[HCDX]: Re: Pyongyang
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[HCDX]: Re: Pyongyang

At 9:43 +0900 1/27/98, Harold Sellers wrote:
>Is anyone hearing Radio Pyongyang's English broadcasts towards North
>America, such as at 1100-1200 and 2300-2400 UTC?

Latest printed schedule from Radio Pyongyang has the following English

0500-0600   11740, 13790
1800-1900   6575, 9345
2100-2200   6575, 9345

North America
1800-1900   11700, 13760
2100-2200   11700, 13760
2300-2400   11335, 11700, 13760, 15130

Central & South Americas
and Southeast Asia
2000-1200   11335, 13650, 15230
1500-1600   11335, 11735, 13650
0000-0100   11845, 13650, 15230

Middle East & Africa
1100-1200   9640, 9975
1500-1600   9640, 9975
1900-2000   6520, 9600, 9975

Just FYI. I, too, would be interested to know who are hearing which of
these, where and how.


SONNY M. ASHIMORI  sonny@xxxxxxxxxxx

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