Re: [HCDX]: Unfair DX ???
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Re: [HCDX]: Unfair DX ???
On Wed, 11 Feb 1998 23:17:00 -0600 (CST) WA1ION@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
>Al Merriman said -
>>No station should ever be logged or reported by any DXer/SWL
>>from any location other than their fixed home location. Period.
>>To do otherwise makes a complete joke of the entire hobby.
>Are you kidding !? What are DXpeditions for anyway ?
>Let's remember that we're talking about an activity that's suppose
>to be fun.
>Saying that DXpedition loggings make "a complete joke of the entire
>hobby" shows a rigidness and intolerance that we could do better
>Let's enjoy the hobby and try to be a bit less critical of others'
>versions of their pursuit. After all, there aren't as many
>people DXing as they were 20 or more years ago. Inflexible
>attitudes aren't going to give newcomers much of a reason to
>stay with DXing when computers, audio, sports, etc. are
>competing for scarce and precious leisure time.
Right on, Brother Connelly! I join you in deriving from this hobby
what should be derived- plain and simple fun, rather than griping and
'cause others don't conform to one's personal view of the World.
Best of DX, and 73,
J.D. Stephens
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