[HCDX]: 1680-WBAR
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[HCDX]: 1680-WBAR

    Tuesday night on 1680 kHz a station was noted with music (hard to tell
what kind-possibly rap) at 2030 EST. A woman comes on a minute later talking
about improvements and that they were leaving the air. Sign/off at 2035.
    I have it on tape and notice that the Brewster Academy in Wolfeboro,NH
has a notice that 1680-WBAR is off the air for FCC and administration review.

    Now ...who is really WBAR?

    Barnard College or Brewster Academy. Tried phoning them this am but I
gather they open at 0900.
    Glad I've got a tape.

    At 2100 re-check there was another signal with religious music,very,very 
weak as noted by Stephens of Alabama.

    Ron Musco
    National Radio Club

    AMELCO R-390A/URR with two slopers NE & NW connected to noise reducing
    toroids to RG-58U to MWDX-5 phasor.

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