[HCDX]: 160-WBAR
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[HCDX]: 160-WBAR
> Tuesday night on 1680 kHz a station was noted with music (hard to tell
>what kind-possibly rap) at 2030 EST. A woman comes on a minute later talking
>about improvements and that they were leaving the air. Sign/off at 2035.
> I have it on tape and notice that the Brewster Academy in Wolfeboro,NH
>has a notice that 1680-WBAR is off the air for FCC and administration review.
> Now ...who is really WBAR?
> Barnard College or Brewster Academy. Tried phoning them this am but I
gather they open at 0900.
An update: 1. I phoned Brewster Academy and the woman I spoke with said
the station was off around Christmas but is back on. I ob-
tained the faculty advisors name and home phone number so
I'll try him at home since going round the campus with vari-
ous phone numbers got me nowhere.
2. Barnard College in NYC. VOICE MAIL SUCKS! After fighting the
admissions office for valid phone numbers I still ended up
with voice mail at the radio station studios. Message left.
Back to College Activities and I finally reached a person
who knew something about the station.
I got her name and address so I'll send a tape and letter
and she is going to turn it over to someone else.
3. Aren't WATS lines nice?
4. My money is on Barnard College.
Ron Musco
National Radio Club
AMELCO R-390A/URR with two slopers NE & NW connected to noise reducing
toroids to RG-58U to MWDX-5 phasor.
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