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*Radio Cochiguaz will be active again on the next weekend 7/8 March 1998
testing a new 1/2 wave V inverted dipole antenna.
-On 7 March 1998
6950 khz LSB 0100-0150, 0330-0420 & 1000-1050
-On 8 March 1998
6950 khz LSB 0230-0320
*The Andino Relay Service, on 6960 khz LSB will be active making some
relays according to the following sked:
-On 7 March 1998
Jolly Roger Radio Int. 0000-0045
Radio Blandengue 0200-0300
Radio Pasteur 2230-2330 & 0330-0430
-On 8 March 1998
Jolly Roger Radio Int. 0000-0045
Radio Blandengue 0100-0200
Contact addr. to the stations:
*Radio Cochiguaz: via RC, Box 2571, Buenos Aires 1000, Argentina, or
Radio Cochiguaz, Box 109, Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214, USA. E-mail:
(only for to receive messages): rc@xxxxxxxxx
*Radio Blandengue: via RB, Box 2571, Buenos Aires 1000, Argentina, or
contact directly on E-mail: radio.blandengue@xxxxxxx
*The Andino Relay Service: via ARS, Box 2571, Buenos Aires 1000,
*Radio Pasteur, c/o Claudio Morales, Box 1852, Buenos Aires 1000,
Argentina. E-mail: morales.arg@xxxxxxxxxx
*Jolly Roger Radio International, Post Box 39, Waterford, Ireland.
Only snail mail reports will be verified w/QSL, pls include 2 IRCs for
to cover postal fees.
Source: Cachito Mamani, Radio Cochiguaz
Raul Gonzalez, Radio Blandengue
Place: Somewhere in South America
Get free e-mail and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com
This is a message from Raul Gonzalez <radio.blandengue@xxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe hard-core-dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxx
For more information, please check http://www.iki.fi/rko/hard-core-dx/
or email Risto Kotalampi, rko@xxxxxxx