Re: [HCDX]: Dominican Republic
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Re: [HCDX]: Dominican Republic


	Onda Musical has been heard irregularly on or about 4788.  Several 
DXers, including me, heard it earlier this week.

Bill Harms

> Hi!
> During my last visit to this country I heard irregular transmissions
> of Radio Cristal Internacional on 5013v around 1800 UTC. The station
> needs reception reports to the following address: Apartado 894,
> Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. If you want receive QSL, please
> send 2$USD :-(
> In the other hand, I didn't tune the following stations with  my
> Sony ICF2001D: O.Musical (4780), R.Norte (4800), R.Clarin (4850),
> R.Comercial (4880), R.Barahona (4930,5160), R.Mil (4940), R.Cima100
> (4962), R.Pueblo (5012); R.Antillas (5955), R.Quisqueya (6235)...
> are these station in the air? I think that these stations are out of
> SW.
> Hasta la vista!
> -----------------------------------------------
> Pedro Sedano, Madrid, España
> sedano@xxxxxxxxx
> ICQ#9268207
> -----------------------------------------------
> AER, AER-virtual, El DIAL digital
> aer@xxxxxxxxx
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