[HCDX]: TFW 56 2/2
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[HCDX]: TFW 56 2/2
- To: 6 - Brett Saylor <bds2@xxxxxxx>, Charles Bolland <chuck@xxxxxxxxxx>, Francois Steyn <fsteyn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, George Maroti <curious.george@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Joe Buch <joseph.buch@xxxxxxx>, John Figliozzi <jfiglio1@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Jorge Garzon Guitierrez <igsosa@xxxxxxxxxx>, Juichi Yamada <utm99131@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Klaus Dieter Scholz <kdscholz@xxxxxxx>, Kris Field <kfield@xxxxxxxx>, Kromius <kromius@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Laurie Boyer <marylous@xxxxxxxx>, Luciano Silva <py8azt@xxxxxxxxx>, Marie Lamb <malamb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Mark Veldhuis <mark.veldhuis@xxxxxx>, Mike Nikolich <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Nicolas Eramo <neramo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Risto Kotalampi <rko@xxxxxx>, "Takayuki Inoue Nozaki (TIN)" <qzy07141@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [HCDX]: TFW 56 2/2
- From: Giovanni Serra <g.serra@xxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 15:49:51 +0100
- Organization: Italia Online
- Reply-to: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx
- Sender: owner-hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx
THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE - Copyright 1998 Part 2
Year 3 - Number 56 - Rome, 24 March 1998
BRAZIL - R. Anhanguera on 4915, V/s Eng. Domingos Vicente Tinoco,
techn., after 8 f/ups (T.H.Ekblom, Sweden / SWB 1370, Sweden / Play DX
# 973 March 16)
CHINA PR - Guangxi Foreign BC on 5050, QSL letter directly in 70 days,
V/s Yuan Ri Qin (L.Botto Fiora, Italy /Gral News / Play DX # 973 March
COLOMBIA - Colmundo, S.ta.Fe de Bogota on 6065, letter of two pages !!!,
info, stickers, schedule in 180 days, V/s Jorge Eliecer Hernandez
(B.Fransson, Sweden / Distance # 2-97, Sweden / Play DX # 973 March 16)
ETHIOPIA - R. Fana 6940 Box 90702 Addis Abeba, qsl for 1 USD in 51
daysd (R. Pavanello, Italy / Gatflash ! # 118)
GERMANY - Hrvatski Radio on 9520 via Germany tx, V/s Teodoro Mazuranic.
(J.M.Portera de Melo, Brazil / QSL s, DX Clube Paulista, Dec. 1997,
Brazil / Play DX # 973 March 16)
GERMANY - AWR via Germany tx, QSL card AWR Contest Wavwscan, info,
card, paper pennat, in 84 days. (S.Gomez, Spain / Play DX # 973 March
PERU - R. 5264, LV de Chiriaco, 5264 kHz QSL card and long personal
letter in 3 months after f/up. V/s Santos Castañeda, gerente, and
Hildebrando López P., director. Presently off the air, but to be
reactivated in April, the station is looking for "economic or spiritual"
help which can be sent in a "well closed envelope to our address" or "by
phoning INTERNET: QSY07141 to niftyserve-or-jp Radio nuevo Mundo in
Tokyo, Japan". (Quoted verbatim and edited in EE by my friend HK).
(Rafael Rodríguez, Colombia)
SAUDI ARABIA - BSKSA on 15060, V/s Sulaiman Samnan. ( C.A.Erdmann,
Brazil / QSL s, DX Clube Paulista # 161 Dec. 1997, Brazil / Play DX #
973 March 16)
SOLOMON ISL. - SIBC on 5020 P.O.Box 654 Honiara qsl,letter,schedule
v/s John Babera 1 USD in 66 days (R.Pavanello, Italy /Gatflash! #
SOLOMON ISL. - SIBC on 5020, QSL letter, v/s Silas Hule (?? ) in 90
days for a tape (G. Bernardini, Italy /Gatflash! # 117)
CLANDESTINE - RAINBOW RADIO 5910 kHz on Sundays from 10:00-11:00 UTC via
Germany (SINPO 44444 in East-Germany) A friend of mine (a native
speaker) translated parts of the last transmission of Rainbow Radio for
me. The language is of course Amharic, but the whole transmission is
'propaganda' (as he said) from the people of Oromo against Ethiopian
goverment. Nothing was said, which particular organization stands behind
Rainbow Radio. The most important thing in my opinion is, that they
announced a postal address during that broadcast (Didn't find an address
of them before, not even on Nick's CRI) : Rainbow Radio P.O.Box 140104
in 53056 Bonn Germany (Martin Schoech, Germany)
CUBA - Hey, I fell off my chair! On the March 14 DXers Unlimited, Arnie
Coro did deal with the RHC noise-burst problem I reported previously.
But instead of explaining in any detail what caused it, how it was
repaired, and godforbid, apologizing to the countless listeners and
stations this affected for weeks and weeks, he used his time to make a
vicious personal attack on yours truly! I heard it, and anyone can read
it on the RHC website. Those who read my DX reports 98-07 and 98-10 will
see that I did not make a personal attack on Coro about this, but he
responds with a personal attack on me. Coro apparently took great
offense at my sarcastic remarks about RHC transmitters, assuming that
everyone would agree with him that I was way out of line. I repeat:
"LOUSY". Any serious SW listener will be aware that RHC transmitters
repeatedly suffer from modulation, spurious and harmonic problems. If
the RHC engineers were as on the ball as Coro would like us to believe,
the problems would be fixed permanently or nipped in the bud. But it
took a yankee imperialist to uncover the source of the noise blasts on
31 meters each morning. Why don't Coro and the rest of the staff monitor
their own station? If I could hear this, the same must have been audible
to anyone turning on a SW radio in groundwave range around Havana. Yes,
I am impatient with incompetence in the operation of SW stations, and
frequently point it out. RHC is certainly not the only station with such
problems. By attacking me personally, Coro is trying to shift attention
away from the REAL problem, "non-essential radiation" from RHC, by
blaming the messenger! He went on to criticize Hotmail, claiming he had
not received my message directly to him about this, and even WEWN, as if
I were somehow responsible for them. As a matter of fact, as many other
than Coro will remember, it was I who exposed WEWN's super-splatter
problems, something which they did not appreciate, either. Tough luck.
Stations are using OUR airwaves, and I will make public problems
wherever I find them. At least, briefly in the middle of his diatribe,
Coro admitted RHC was the source: "YES, Mister Hauser was right, we had
a problem with the frequency generator used at our old Brown Boveri of
1961 vintage." He calls me isolated--this from someone in one of the
most isolated countries on earth! He calls me unprofessional for making
public the problem rather than quietly telephoning him directly about
it. Let me explain a few things. I am not isolated, but independent. I
am not on any station's payroll, and not obligated to give any of them
technical advice. I am not unprofessional, but non-professional. I am a
listener, critic and SW journalist. I report to the public on what I
hear. In order to do that, something has to be transmitted. In this
case, severely interfering noise bursts, week after week. I may make a
reasonable effort to inform the station of the problem, as I did in this
case with the E-mail directly to Coro a few days earlier, but I am not
going to sweep it under the carpet, nor am I going to refrain from
expressing my opinions, even if they are sarcastic. Everyone has the
right to do this. In this country, we happen to have freedom of speech.
May I remind you that Cuba is one of the few countries which
deliberately jams foreign SW broadcasts, mostly from the US, causing a
lot of collateral damage much like the RHC noise bursts did. This is one
topic Coro doesn't dare mention on his show. He makes a big deal of not
receiving my direct E-mail, and not learning of the problem (doesn't he
have a SW radio?) until forwarded by Wolfgang Bueschel. As my previous
report said, it seemed the problem had already stopped before this, but
perhaps it was just intermittent. He says on Friday, March 13, he and
the chief engineer spent the whole morning looking for the problem,
finally found and fixed it by removing a "decadic [?] frequency
generator and connecting a spare unit". And indeed since then, we once
again have a clear 31 meters in the morning, thanks to me, at least for
the time being. Unfortunately, Coro thinks I am "super-egotistic, 'only
I know about everything'" Of course not, but I obviously knew about this
before he did, and he just can't take it. I think this episode gives us
a rare glimpse of the real Arnie Coro, behind the good-fellow
your-friend-in-Havana facade he tries so to hard to portray. I'm not
surprised. I've previously received word from an American SWL, which I
have not made public, that at considerable personal expense and trouble,
he sent Coro something he needed via a third country. And all he got in
reply was a slap in the face. In reality, Coro shows he is a vindictive
ideologue who can't take criticism, on the payroll of one of the most
repressive dictators on earth. Tsk, tsk (Glenn Hauser, "selfish,
autocratic, chief engineer for the world" / GH SW/DX Report 98-11, March
INDONESIA - When I checked at Kujukuri DX pedition at Chiba, I found
that RRI Tanjung Pinaning on 3224.8kHz, RRI Mataram on 3223kHz and RRI
Bukittinggi on 3231.8kHz was apparently inactive. (Juichi Yamada, JAPAN
/ Jembatan DX # 44)
INDONESIA - 4074/6v, it's RRI-Pontianak, not RPDT2 Blitar. While I
haven't checked it recently, I'm sure it's the spurious radiation of
RRI-Pontianak here, as hrd for well over 12 mos. On Jan 5, I hrd it on
4076.5, which was much easier to hear than the 100.5 kHz spur on the
other side of 3976 at 3875.5. Goes through to 1605v*. (David Foster
via Numero Uno No.1467 / Jembatan DX # 44)
INDONESIA - RRI Sorong on 4874.6kHz broadcasts English program at 1130
every Sunday. The station on 4874.6kHz signs off at 1400 and signs on at
2000. The local early morning broadcast on 4874.6kHz was inactive for a
long time. (Juichi Yamada, JAPAN /Jembatan DX # 44)
INDONESIA - 4925 RRI-Jambi. 1227-2135 34433. Music then ID as "Radio
Republik Indonesia,Jambi" by woman. (Mar 14, Nobuo Takeno, JAPAN
/Jembatan DX # 44)
INDONESIA - 6024.5 RRI Banjarmasin. 2115 call to prayer, still on air
at 2158. Usually closes at 2100. (Mar 13, David Foster via Numero Uno
No.1467 /Jembatan DX # 44)
ITALY - The Italian time signal station IAM (5000 kHz)from Rome,i s
inactive at present. I got the following information from the stn:
-Service is temporarily suspended because of problems beyond our
control. We are trying to resume txions as soon as possible schedule
will be unvaried-So,let's wait and see when IAM gets on the air again.
By the way, their address is: Ministero delle Comunicazioni, Istituto
Superiore CTI, Laboratorio Frequenze Campioni, Ufficio 8; Reparto 2,
viale America 201, I-00144 Roma, Italy (few miles away from my home.
Ed.). (Fabrizio Magrone, Italy / Gatflash! # 118)
MEXICO - XERTA is back, after an absence of 4 or 5 months. Hector Garcia
B. in Mexico City tells me he first heard them in the daytime March 13
on 4800, but on March 14, 15 they had problems and were on 4952 instead.
March 16, back to 4800. I was hearing a carrier on 4800.7 that day, and
on March 17 at 1225, definite ID in French, also during following hour
with previous format of music and frequent produced IDs, the same as
used before. This is all bad news for Buenas Nuevas, the Guatemalan on
4799.9, with an equally strong signal; the two produce a heavy
heterodyne when both are on, and are difficult to separate. XERTA
really ought to get a frequency not already used by a neighboring
country! By March 19 around 0530, XERTA was relatively clear, now with
live DJ and timechecks, more talk; same at 1150 check but now again
versus TGBN. After 1230 or so the Guatemalan begins to fade and XERTA
has the upper hand for about an hour (Glenn Hauser, OK / GH SW/DX Report
98-11, March 19 / GH SW/DX Report 98-11, March 19)
PORTUGAL - R. Portugal's Winnie Almeida made a very brief announcement
at 0457 March 18 on 6150, 9570 that their English service would be
closed down at the end of March. As usual, it was very difficult to
understand her amid the low modulation, co- and adjacent-channel
interference. Until then the English sked is: M-F 1430-1500 to ME on
21515 [heard a trace of it here]; 2100-2130 Eu 7110, 9780, 9815; UT
Tue-Sat 0430-0500 6150, 9570 (Glenn Hauser, OK / GH SW/DX Report 98-11,
March 19)
PORTUGAL - All foreign language programs end as of March 31, also French
and Tetum [for Timor]. English had been on the air since 1954 and was
known as Voice of the West in the 60s and early 70s. Portuguese external
services will continue on a restructured schedule. Winnie Almeida was
responsible for many of the feature programs including the DX program
which aired from 1975 to 1997. (Roy Baker, UK [who wrote the DX program]
via Mike Barraclough, World DX Club, WORLD OF RADIO 933 GH SW/DX Report
98-11, March 19)
SPAIN - "Diexismo y Radioescucha" web site (that is only in spanish) was
reorganized and the most important URL are: HomePage: <
http://www.lander.es/~sedano/ > (no changed) - ASOCIACION ESPAÑOLA DE
RADIOESCUCHA (AER): < http://www.lander.es/~sedano/aer/ > e-mail: <
aer@xxxxxxxxx > - AER-virtual (virtual dx club): <
http://www.lander.es/~sedano/aerv/ > - EL DIAL digital (dx bulletin on
net): < http://www.lander.es/~sedano/eldiald/ > - DIEXISMO (dxing
topics): < http://www.lander.es/~sedano/dx/ > - LISTAS (dx lists): <
http://www.lander.es/~sedano/listas/ >
SWITZERLAND - SRI's Schwarzenburg transmitter site closes down after
March 28. For a complete frequency sked for the site, see my March
Spanish DX report, posted on my website, <
http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio > (Glenn Hauser, OK / GH SW/DX
Report 98-11, March 19) --- On Mon Mar 30, there will be a short Two
Bobs item marking the closure. A full 14-minute feature will be aired on
the following weekend, April 4-5. This will be in the good old ad-lib
SW/DX Report 98-11, March 19)
UKOGBANI - [non]. Tnx to a tip from the British DX Club, I checked out
Sunrise Radio, which is testing via DTK Juelich; no telling if this will
continue or cease abruptly. DTK keeps coming up with surprise new
clients to keeps its transmitters abandoned by DW as busy as possible.
Commercial radio from the UKOGBANI is nothing new, but it certainly is
on SW, and it was a bit of a shock when the first thing I heard was an
ad for beds, as I tuned in 5880 at 0050 UT Fri March 20. This was
followed immediately by an ad in a South Asian language, including
numbers in English. Why do so many ex-colonials abandon their own
language's numbers? Then 0052 back to English for an ad about
long-distance services to India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, 0800-3-76-76-76,
"Speed Dial"; 0053 See America via British and other airways; 0055 a bit
of music. 0100 time check for 1:00, and 2-minute news capsule in English
by Katherine Jones, squeezing in 3 or 4 stories with actualities about
Calais ferry strike, silly ball game, DiCaprio in London, outro 0102 as
Independent Radio News. Then more ads, Visit-Amsterdam package, cooking
oil in language; 0103 Sunrise Radio promo in lang, then English ID,
"Thank you for making us the number one Asian station in the country". I
am wondering how many South Asian languages are heard on this, or is it
Hindi, only? The YL DJ at 0105 said both "Salam Aleikum" and "Namaskar",
and into lively pop music which must have kept them awake in London. The
sun *is* rising around this time in South Asia, and there may be other
frequencies aimed there, but from the strength of this and previous
usage, I believe this is toward North America. I kept a radio on 5880
but didn't listen closely; format continued, with English news capsules
on the hour at 0200 and 0300; at 0315 they were playing some nice Indian
classical music and ads less frequent--a bilingual one for catering at
0329. Finally a jingle and off at 0400 sharp. Strange that the BDXC
reports did not mention the Asian language and music content of this
station (Glenn Hauser, OK / GH SW/DX Report 98-12, March 20, 1998)
URUGUAY - 6140 / 9595 / 11735 R. Montecarlo/Oriental's SW txer is
currently inoperative, I guess for the next couple of weeks to come.
They are moving it inside the xter site, in order to make room for their
new 50 KW MW txer. (Sr. Alexi Haysaniuk, stn's techn. mgr via
Nigro-Uruguay, Mar 16)
Hello, everyone. Here is the revised DXing with Cumbre schedule. If
there are any changes after the end of March, I'll let you all know!
WHRI Angel 1 (To: Americas/Caribbean) 0600 - 0630 Saturday 7315 kHz
--- 1830 - 1900 Saturday 9495 kHz --- 2330 - 2400 Saturday 9495 kHz
--- 1330 - 1400 Sunday 15105 kHz --- 1430 - 1500 Sunday 15105
kHz --- WHRI Angel 2 (To: Europe/Middle East/Africa/Russia/N Am) 0600 -
0630 Saturday 5770 kHz --- 1530 - 1600 Saturday 13760 kHz --- 2300
- 2330 Saturday 5745 kHz --- 0530 - 0600 Sunday 5770 kHz --- 0930
- 1000 Sunday 5770 kHz --- 1830 - 1900 Sunday 13760 kHz --- KWHR
Angel 3 (To: Asia/Pacific) 0230 - 0300 Saturday 17510 kHz --- 1630 -
1700 Sunday 9930 kHz --- 1830 - 1900 Sunday 13625 kHz --- KWHR
Angel 4 (To: South Pacific) 0700 - 0730 Saturday 11565 kHz --- 0800 -
0830 Saturday 11565 kHz --- 2000 - 2030 Saturday 17555 kHz --- 0330
- 0400 Sunday 17555 kHz --- 0730 - 0800 Sunday 11565 kHz ---
1300 - 1330 Sunday 7560 kHz --- 2130 - 2200 Sunday 17555 kHz
--- WHRA Angel 5 (To: Africa/Middle East) 2130 - 2200 Saturday 15460
--- 2130 - 2200 Sunday 15460. Thanks for tuning in to DXing with
Cumbre! (Marie Lamb, USA)
WORLD OF RADIO APRIL SCHEDULE ON WWCR. Here are the anticipated times
following the DST shift April 6: Thu 2030 15685, Sat 0600 3210 and 5070;
Sat 1130 5070; Mon 0400 5070; Tue 1230 15685. (Glenn Hauser, USA)
< Marconi ha dato agli uomini un nuovo
modo di conoscersi, di aiutarsi, di
amarsi, quale nessun poeta o scienziato
aveva mai immaginato. >
Nuova Antologia
< La conoscenza e' la prima forma di liberta'. >
Giovanni Serra
< Un uomo che abbia qualcosa da dire
e non trovi chi l' ascolta,
se la passa male.
Ma ancora peggio
se la passano gli ascoltatori
che non trovano nessuno
che abbia qualcosa da dire >
Bertold Brecht, 1927
This is a message from Giovanni Serra <g.serra@xxxxxx>
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or email Risto Kotalampi, rko@xxxxxxx