[HCDX]: TFW 56 1/2
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[HCDX]: TFW 56 1/2

THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE  - Copyright 1998  Part  1
Year 3 -  Number  56  - Rome, 24 March  1998
PHONE: +39 6 5126255 
FAX: +39 6 5126262
E-MAIL: g.serra@xxxxxx
The Four Winds on Line  - Copyright 1998 - Newsletter edited by 
Giovanni Serra, Rome - Italy.

                             TFW on Line Policy
1) TFW on Line covers only the SW Broadcasting  Specrum.
2) Subscription rate:  as a non  commercial newsletter, 
    there is no fee to subscribe TFW on Line.
3) TFW on Line is distributed to Individuals, DX Editors,
    Clubs and Organizations, asking for the reciprocal exchange of  
    DX Bulletins and / or contributions.
4) Excerpts may be reprinted,translated, e-mailed and / or 
    transmitted with appropriate credit, unless Copyright indicated.
5) Not to be redistributed or reposted without permission. 
6) Suggestions and ideas are welcome. 
7) If you no longer wish to receive TFW on Line  please, 
    drop me a line.   
loggings in order of  time;  frequencies in kHz;  times UTC;  
ham codes as usual;  Reporting  signal quality: Loc  = local 
signal; E = excellent; G = good;  F = fair; P = poor; 
VP = very poor;  A = avoid.  (also in SINPO or SIO code)

EDITOR NOTICE - From next March 26 till  April 5, I  'll be on
"vacation" in Switzerland with my father, being present, with an
important invention, at the Inventions and Patents Show in Geneva.  Of
course, TFW won' t be E-mailed during this period, but my Internet
provider will continue to collect your E-mails. Many thanks for your
contributions indeed.  Gianni

Thank you  for all our Contributors !

CHARLES BOLLAND, Lake Worth FL, USA  via e-mail  RX: NRD535D and
DAVID  J. VALKO,  USA for DX News via e-mail   RX: JRC NRD-535D -
Collins R-388     ANT.: 33 meter (NE-SW) Longwire "T"
GATFLASH! , Italy # 117 and # 118  via  WWWeb page CO.RAD: <
http://www.net4u.it/ari/corad.htm >
GIOVANNI  SERRA, Roma, Italy (ed.)   RX:  JRC NRD 525     ANT:  Alpha
Delta DX SWL-S Sloper  (40 feet) ;  JPS NIR 10 filter and Oregon
Scientific clock, tuned  with the standard frequency station DCF 77 in
Mainflingen, Germany on 77.5 kHz.
GLENN HAUSER (GH), Enid OK, USA for GH SW/DX Report 98-11, March 19,
1998 and 98-12, March 20, 1998, via e-mail < http://www.hotmail.com ><
http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio >
HORACIO A. NIGRO, Montevideo, Uruguay  via e-mail   RX: Grundig YB400  
ANT.:   randomwire 25m long
JUICHI YAMADA, Chiba, Japan    for Jembatan DX  #  44  via e-mail   RX: 
NRD-525  - AR7030     ANT:   AN-1
MARIE LAMB, Brewerton NY, USA  via e-mail  DX-ing with Cumbre     <
http://www.whri.com >  or  < http://www.kwhr.com >
MARTIN SCHOECH, Merseburg, Germany via e-mail RX: Sony ICF 2001D ANT:
Sony AN 1 (active telescopic antenna) <
http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/2594/ >
MICHIEL SCHAAY,  Doorn, The Netherlands  via e-mail   RX: AOR AR7030  
ANT.: RF-Systems T2FD and MK1
NICOLAS ERAMO, Buenos Aires, Argentina  via e-mail    RX: SONY ICF 7600 
ANT.: Longwire antenna 15 mts. RX:  SONY ICF SW 7600G   ANT.. V inverted
antenna 20 mts
AER-virtual, El DIAL digital < aer@xxxxxxxxx > <
http://www.lander.es/~sedano/ > 
PIET PIJPERS, Alphen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands  via e-mail    RX: Lowe
HF225E     ANT.:   20 meters longwire
PLAY DX, Milano, Italy  #  973 March 16  1998,  Edited by Dario
Monferini, via snail mail 
RAFAEL RODRIGUEZ R., Santafe de Bogota D.C., Colombia  via  e-mail   
RX: Sony ICF 2010, ony ICF 7600G, Sangean 813   ANT.: Longwire 10 mtrs
and Palomar Loop Antena for MW 
SHERYL PASZKIEWICZ, Manitowoc, WI, USA for DX Party Line via e-mail 
RX:  Icom R8 - JRC NRD 525   ANT.:  60' LW Eavesdropper
ZACHARIAS LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece via e-mail   RX:  Lowe HF 150 -
Philips 2935 - Sony ICF 7600 D   ANT:  6 meters sloper  ATU hand made -
11 m hor ( for 40 m - 60 m ) - 6 m antenna tilted upward  <
http://www.compulink.gr/Users/zliangas >  SHORTED ! <
http://www.clandjop.com/~jcruzan/greek-p.html >  (mirrored for greek
pirate radio ) 

SW TIPS    (TIME - Freq. - Country)

0012- 5030- COSTA RICA- AWR, R Lira 0012 , 16 March, guitar songs 32332
---LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece

0100- 6950- PIRATE SOUTH AMERICA- Radio Cochiguaz ( in LSB), 01.00 -
01.50  March 22, 1998 SS Man and female annooncer with multiple ID in
other languages, Andean Music, in the program mention one address in the
United States "Desde algun lugar, ubicado entre el Pacifico y el
Atlantico.....esta escuchando Cochiguaz" SINPO 33242 (High static Noise)
---ERAMO, Buenos Aires, Argentina

0115- 4450- BOLIVIA- RADIO ESTACION FRONTERA 0115 - 0200  March 14
Romantic mx.  ID with TC: " 20 horas con 22 minutos, la hora de  Bolivia
20 horas con 22 minutos, gracias a todos los amigos que estan en la
sintonia de Frontera la radio.."  At the 0155 s/off: " Amigos oyentes
esto ha sido todo por hoy gracias a la atenciòn prestada mañana
retornaremos nuevamente con usted, buenas noches...(interlude
instrumental)... sintonizan a Radio Estaciòn Frontera, voz fronteriza de
Cobija en el Departamento Pando, Republica de Bolivia...". ---RODRIGUEZ
R., Santafe de Bogota D.C., Colombia

0137- 4835- GUATEMALA- R.Tezulutlan in Vern / spanish 22 march
0137-0150, MM prayer, repeating "...Santa Maria...", and rel tlk, mx
break and M ancmt ment Coban, M W ancms in Spanish mix with  marimbas
and other mx, and continuing tlk in Vern, M canned ID s at 0248 with
marimbas ( mostly unclear, ment Coban and Guatemala)(QRN statics and QRM
slight splat) Poor  ---SERRA, Roma Italy

0203- 4874.98- BRAZIL- R.Roraima in PT 22 March 0203-0210, M tlk with mx
pause (ID s during tlk, ment Roraima, Boa Vista), canned ancmt, romantic
Braz songs. (QRN slight statics) P / F ---SERRA, Roma Italy

0203- 11815- BRAZIL- R Brasil Central 0203 PT fair on a fairly good 25
mb opening ---PASZKIEWICZ, Manitowoc, WI, USA / DX Party Line

0209- 6155- BOLIVIA- Radio Fides, La Paz SS, Man announcer, ID, (with
musical Jingle) Musical Program with call in by local listeners, time
checks "dies de la noche con veinticinco minutos en todo el pais" 02.09
- 02.36, SINPO 34333, March 22, 1998 ---ERAMO, Buenos Aires, Argentina

0214- 4939.46- VENEZUELA- R.Amazonas in Spanish 22 March 0214-0230:24", 
LA disco mx and romantic songs, with W DJ, M canned ancmts, ID s and
slogans over mx at 0215, 0221, 0224 and 0226: "Esta es Radio
Amazonas...", W ID and ancmts. QRN statics) Poor ---SERRA, Roma Italy

0225- 7265- GERMANY- Suedwestfunk 0225 GM talk and pop mx
---PASZKIEWICZ, Manitowoc, WI, USA / DX Party Line

0234- 5000- VENEZUELA- Observatorio Naval Cagigal, Caracas in Spanish 22
March 0234-0247:01", continuous TP for each second, twice M ID s every
minute: " Observatorio Naval Cagigal, Caracas....", then TC for one
time, giving local time (- 4 UTC), and one longer pip at 00 seconds of
each minute . NOTE: the seconds of my Oregon Scientific clock are very
sharp with time pips !  (QRN statics) Poor /Fair ---SERRA, Roma Italy 

0240- 9650- GUINEA - Rdf Guineenne 0240 FR tlk, hilife mx //7125, IDs,
gave phone number, guitar IS ---PASZKIEWICZ, Manitowoc, WI, USA / DX
Party Line

0255- 11735- INDIA - AIR 0255 local mx, talk, tabla drums, snake
charmer  mx ---PASZKIEWICZ, Manitowoc, WI, USA / DX Party Line

0258- 7200- SUDAN - Omdurman 0258 IS mixing w/hams ---PASZKIEWICZ,
Manitowoc, WI, USA / DX Party Line

0345- 4939- VENEZUELA- Radio Amazonas; Puerto Ayacucho, March 22,
0345-0404*, LA dance music interrupted by IDs & slogans. Sign off with
National Anthem. Very poor. ---PIJPERS, Alphen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands

0450- 4930- HONDURAS- Radio Internacional; S. Pedro Sula, March 22,
0450, Nostalgic LA music with usual strong Ute qrm. Very weak.
---PIJPERS, Alphen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands

0525- 6013- UNID- Unid R. March 22, 0525-0535, Horrible signal because
of slop 6015: popmusic and talk in Italian. Tele Radio Stereo?
---PIJPERS, Alphen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands

0940- 6135.02- BOLIVIA- Radio Santa Cruz 0940-1000 Noted a man and woman
in Spanish comments. Signal was fair but had some QRM. ---BOLLAND, Lake
Worth FL, USA March 16, 1998)

0950- 6194.7- BOLIVIA- RADIO CARLOS PALENQUE 0920 - 0950 March 15 Male
and female talk in Aymara with local news. only in Sp, TC: "5 de la
mañana con 25 minutos la hora en la Carlos Palenque..." after vernacular
music. after 1000 strong QRM by BBC via Antigua. ---RODRIGUEZ R.,
Santafe de Bogota D.C., Colombia

0950- 4747.46- PERU- Radio Huanta Dos Mil 0950-1000 Huaynos music noted,
as well as Spanish comments from a man. Signal was poor. ---BOLLAND,
Lake Worth FL, USA March 16, 1998)

0955- 4855.53- PERU- Radio La Hora 0955-1005 Noted Huaynos music. Man in
comments gives ID and TC;s on the hours. Signal was fair. ---BOLLAND,
Lake Worth FL, USA  March 16, 1998)

1000- 3289.88- ECUADOR- Radio Centro 1000-1010 Noted opening ID as
"Radio Centro...". This followed by a man in Spanish comments and TC's,
more ID's.Music at 1005 commences. Signal was poor. ---BOLLAND, Lake
Worth FL, USA  March 14, 1998)

1001- 4886.79- PERU- Radio Villa Rica 1001-1010 Man in comments,
followed by Huaynos music. Signal was good. ---BOLLAND, Lake Worth FL,
USA  March 16, 1998)

1006- 4945.04- BOLIVIA- Radio Illmani 1006-1015 Noted a woman in Spanish
comments, followed by music. Signal was threshold. ---BOLLAND, Lake
Worth FL, USA March 16, 1998)

1009- 4777.73- BOLIVIA- Radio Los Andes 1009-1015 Noted music and
Spanish comments from a woman. Signal was poor.. ---BOLLAND, Lake Worth
FL, USA March 14, 1998)

1010- 5039.2- PERU- Radio Libertad 1010-1020 Huaynos music noted, with a
man in Spanish comments over music. Noted ID as "Radio Libertad....".
Signal was poor with HET from Brazil just below it. ---BOLLAND, Lake
Worth FL, USA March 16, 1998)

1015- 3289.8- ECUADOR- RADIO CENTRO. 1015 - 1040 March 15 TC: " 5 de la
mañana con 20 minutos en todo el Ecuador, la hora en Radio Centro, la
original Estaciòn 112..." Local news and community advs. ments.phones
822440 and 821126. pgm: Amanecer Popular. ---RODRIGUEZ R., Santafe de
Bogota D.C., Colombia

1015- 4549.43- BOLIVIA- RadioDifusoras Tropico 1015-1030 Noted man in
comments, with ID as "Radio Tropico". After a few promos, noted a radio
drama. Signal was good. ---BOLLAND, Lake Worth FL, USA March 16, 1998)

1028- 5995.27- PERU-  Radio Melodia 1028-1035 Two men noted in Spanish
comments. Mentions of "Radio Melodia" during conversation. Also heard
"il Banco de Lima" memtioned. Signal was good. Also heard on March 16,
1998 at 1028 with good signal. ---BOLLAND, Lake Worth FL, USA, March 14,

1030- 6015- CHINA PR- China National Radio, Taiwan 1 1030-1040 Noted a
man in steady Chinese comments with some background music present. At
1037 a woman comments too. Signal was fair. ---BOLLAND, Lake Worth FL,
USA March 16, 1998)

1038- 6115.02- PERU- Radop Union 1038-1045 Two woman in Spanish Language
conversation concerning music. At 1041 music presented. Signal was good.
---BOLLAND, Lake Worth FL, USA  March 14, 1998)

1040- 6025.06- BOLIVIA- Radio Illimani 1040-1050 Noted a man in Steady
Spanish Comments during period. Seemed to be a religious program. At
1047, music presented. Signal was fair but bassy. ---BOLLAND, Lake Worth
FL, USA  March 16, 1998)

1045- 3234.9- PERU- RADIO LUZ Y SONIDO 1045 - 1105 March 15 Full ID in
English with mentions QTH, E-mail anda asking for reports. after "
Radiodifusora peruana Luz y Sonido, la emisora diocesana que anuncia la
buena nueva presenta su programa Noanchi, con el mejor clima del mundo
llega a la tierra del caballero del Leon y de la cuna del heroe Leoncio
Prado, surge al aire del mundo de frontera a frontera las poderosas
ondas de Luz y Vida, 3235 razones para todo el mundo, 1500 razones para
el Perù entero, 105.7 mhgz para todos los oyentes de nuestra patria
chica..." ( In this program mentions continous in Quechua, " Radio
Maiacuna" but not translated) ---RODRIGUEZ R., Santafe de Bogota D.C.,

1048- 4800.71- MEXICO- XERTA/R. Transcontinental de America, 1048-1106,
Tlk by M w / ment of Buenos Aires, 1051 canned SP ID by M over mx, then
soft vcl mx to 1055. Tlk by same live M again starting and ending w/TC.
Another LA song at 1100. M w/ID after song at 1104 and ment of Rep.
Mexicana. Fairly strong but audio distorted. ---VALKO,  USA  / DX News
19 March) 

1050- 5678- PERU- RADIO ILUCAN 1050-1125 March 14 Folk music. Advs.
Valvasen, Abonos Infol. pgm: "El Cancionero Cutervino" ---RODRIGUEZ R.,
Santafe de Bogota D.C., Colombia

1109- 4799.77- GUATEMALA- R. Buenas Nuevas, *1109-1120, OC on and
immediately followed by light instru. mx, then simple guitar song w/vcls
by M and girl. Finally canned ID by M at 1116, then tlk by M. Very
strong and clear audio as usual. ---VALKO,  USA / DX News 19 March

1110- 6060.5- PERU- RADIO JSV  1110 - 1125  March 15 Evangelical program
" La Voz de la Liberaciòn" by la Iglesia Pentecostal Dios es Amor.
Ments. campagne Prospèridad de Oro in Huanuco. " 6 de la mañana  con 20
minutos aqui en los estudios de Radio JSV llegando a sus hogares desde
la ciudad de Huanuco en el dial 6.060 Khz banda internacional de 49
metros, onda corta...". ---RODRIGUEZ R., Santafe de Bogota D.C.,

1130- 6674.5- PERU- RADIO ONDAS DEL RIO MARAÑON  1130 - 1200 March 15 NA
S/on. " Desde la Amazonia peruana, Distrito de Armango,  provincia de
Bagua, Radio Ondas del Rio Marañon apertura su programaciòn
correspondiente al dìa de hoy, deseando que las ilusiones de nuestro
creador lleguen a todos los hogares del mundo entero, Radio Ondas del
Rio Marañon en los 6.660 Mhz banda internacional de los 49 metros, onda
corta les invita  a participar desde estos instantes de su variada
programaciòn,  muy buenos dìas..." after other ID: " Desde la Capital
del turismo amazonico, Distrito de Aramango. tierra prodigiosa, desde
aqui Transmite Radio Ondas del Rio Marañon en los 6.660 Mghz banda
internacional de los 49 metros, Radio Ondas del Rio Marañon a la
vanguardia del desarrollo del Distrito de Aramango, provincia de Bagua,
Departamento de Amazonas, Republica del Perù..." ---RODRIGUEZ R.,
Santafe de Bogota D.C., Colombia

1345- 12015- RUSSIA- Radio Telefis Eireann, Irkutsk, 18/03, 13:45,
Worlds Apart program under Deutsche Welle via Krasnodar in Arabic. 
SINPO 32332. ---SCHAAY,  Doorn, The Netherlands

1516- 15120- SOUTH AFRICA- Radio Telefis Eireann, Meyerton, 18/03,
15:16, Worlds Apart program buried under Voice of Nigeria. SINPO 32442.
---SCHAAY,  Doorn, The Netherlands

1700- 11605- GERMANY- Radio Telefis Eireann, Jülich, 18/03, 17:00,
English speaker announcing Worlds Apart program, ID, news. SINPO 45444.
---SCHAAY,  Doorn, The Netherlands

2027- 5005- EQUATORIAL GUINEA-  R Nacional 2027, 15 March, with hilife
songs ,44444, later on 2158 OM speaking in SS Liangas Greece 

2042- 5010- MADAGASCAR- RTV 2042, 15 March OM speaking , 33443,
---LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece

2048- 4975- UGANDA- R Uganda 2048, 15 March, religious speaks ,34433
---LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece

2058- 4770- NIGERIA- FCRN Kaduna 2058 , 15 March, instrumental  plays ,
34433 ---LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece

2100- 3915- SINGAPORE- BBC WS , 2100 , 15 March , IS , clock , ID ,33433
---LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece

2120- 9630- INDONESIA- RRI Prg Natl 2120 15 March, dangdut songs , 43433
//11760  ---LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece

2155- 5546- PERU- RADIO CULTURAL AMAUTA 2155 - 2220 March 14 Mexican
music with rancheras y corridos  ID:" Esta es Radio Cultural Amauta
llevando la musica folclorica de Mexico para ti amigo oyente que estas
en la sintonia..." many ments." Somos Cultural Amauta". TC: " 5 de la
tarde con 10 minutos la hora que te informa Cultural Amauta..."
---RODRIGUEZ R., Santafe de Bogota D.C., Colombia

2325- 4850- CAMEROON - Yaounde 2325 FR tlk, vcls, mentioned Cameroon,
ballads, NA. First time hrd audio on this since reactivated 
---PASZKIEWICZ, Manitowoc, WI, USA / DX Party Line

2345- 9737- PARAGUAY- RN Paraguay 2345 , 15 March, OM w news  43433 !!!
---LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece

2353- 6675- PERU- Ondas del Rio Marañon, Aramango ,Bagua, SS, Man
announcer, Musical Program ID s/off 23.53 - 00.03* "Banda internacional
de....metros Ondas del Río Marañon para todos" s/off with National
Anthem, SINPO 23222 March 18, 1998 ---ERAMO, Buenos Aires, Argentina


ALBANIA - R.Tirana on 7200, senet only New Year card, no QSL as usually
(S.Gomez, Spain / Play DX  # 973 March 16)

ARMENIA - V.o.Armenia on 9965, V/s Paul Richter, A.G.Paim Da Silva,
Bahia, Brazil / QSL s, DX Clube Paulista # 161 Dec. 1997, Brazil  / Play
DX  # 973 March 16)
This is a message from Giovanni Serra <g.serra@xxxxxx>
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