[HCDX]: Glenn Hauser's SW/DX March 26
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[HCDX]: Glenn Hauser's SW/DX March 26

        GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-13, March 26, 1998

WORLD OF RADIO schedule changes. 98-11 contains the WWCR timings
from April 5. RFPI stays at the same UT, and no changes for WOR
in the 2nd quarter--Fri 2000, Sat 1800, Sun 2300, Tue 1900 and
8 hours later, in some cases also 15 hours later. Currently on
7385 night and 15050-USB day, but 21465-AM and 6980 are expected
back shortly as antenna construction is completed. From April 11,
WGTG's time for WOR changes to Sat 2330 on 5085-USB. From March
29, even on the NAm service, a week before our timeshift, World 
Radio Network-1 has WOR: Eu Sat 0330, 1600, Sun 0930; NAm Sat
1600, Sun 0530; Af/As/Pac UT Sat 1600. WRN-1 is now carried 
almost 24 hours, except during local newscasts, on the SAP of
WLIO-TV, ch. 35, Lima, Ohio, including WOR. On April 4, WOR via 
WRN will be at 1600 UT already, which is still 11 am EST, but 
from April 11 will again be equivalent to noon EDT. Latest
updates are on our website
http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio (Hauser)

THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 934. BBC doing away with Lilliburlero;
lots of new BBC programmes; summer skeds from Bulgaria, Austria,
Switzerland, Netherlands, Taiwan, New Zealand, HCJB; Bulgarian
and Polish FM stations get SW relays; what I mean by "standard
disclaimer"; recordings of Mexican FM DX heard in Hawaii; and of
Dog Radio 1680; Radio Shack closing out the DX-394; and some of
the stories below (Hauser)

CHINA. The 1200 CRI English broadcast hasn't been intended for 
NAm for a long time, but equinoctially has been coming in well
on 9945 as noted March 20, except for light jamming blips
probably bleeding over from ammassed Cubans on WRMI 9955. 9945
was a satellite-delay behind //7385 in the absence of RFPI. I
checked again March 26 at 1300 English, and this time the two
were synchronized, but very poor //11660, which Joe Hanlon says 
is well heard in PA, was leading them both (Glenn Hauser, OK)

Committee: NASWA should count XINJIANG as a separate radio
country, just like Tibet and Manchuria. Under Soviet control from
1944 to 1949, Xinjiang was known as the Republic of East
Turkestan. Now includes the CRI Urumchi transmitter site, such
as 9900 at 1800-2227* to Europe since Jan 1 (Ernie Behr, Ont.,

EGYPT. My unID in 98-10, Arabic on 15283.9, March 6 at 1712, is V. 
of the Arabs, Cairo, says Tarek Mostafa Zeidan, Egypt in Cumbre 
DX. He reports exactly the same frequency March 16 at 1755 
interviewing a Cairo University professor. On March 12 Wolfgang
Bueschel had Cairo on 15284.94, but Libya also varied in the area
15286.17-15286.28 (Glenn Hauser, OK)

ETHIOPIA [non]. Rainbow Radio still on 5905 via DTK Germany, 
barely audible beneath heavy fax, UT Sat March 21 at 0100. Expect
this to change to 9855 for Z-98 from April, per DTK sked in BC-DX,
along with Lithuania at 0030, and if they come back, Ireland at
0100 Thu, New Nigeria at 0100 Sun (Glenn Hauser, OK)

KOREA SOUTH [non?]. For the past two Sundays, RKI Murtiwave 
Feedback has made a point of announcing that for Z-98 the 1230
broadcast to SEAs will be on new 6055, "and also to Europe on
6055". If so, it seems two different relays would have to be
used; and this is bad news for NSB Tokyo, which has been on 6055
forever; haven't they noticed this in Seoul? (Glenn Hauser, OK)

MALI. This may well be very old news, but I just got the new 
edition of CRI Messenger, and it's showing the Mali relay being 
used again, but only on ONE frequency, 7170--and since this only 
lists English-language programs I have no idea what else might be 
on it at other times...English to Europe 2200-2300
            to Eastern & Southern Africa 2000-2100
            to Western & Northern Africa 2100-2130
(Randy Stewart, MO, March 17, WORLD OF RADIO 933)

NEW MEXICO. Two radio items gleaned from the April issue of New
Mexico Magazine! I reported following my last visit to Carlsbad
Caverns several years ago on their longwave transmitters in the
caverns, for tour information to rented LW receivers, but now 
these have been replaced by CD-ROMs, no doubt a great improvement
in audio and no interference. And, the Fort Union Drive-In near
Las Vegas has made a comeback, now with radio sound on 88.7 

U K O G B A N I [non]. Sunrise Radio test via DTK Germany, 5880,
which I reported in 98-12 March 20, has not been heard since in
the +0100-0400* period despite nightly checks; though Edwin
Southwell, England and Ray Woodward, British DX Club say it
continues in the 1500-2030 period on 5840, except for 1700-1730
when TWR is carried instead (Glenn Hauser, March 26, WORLD OF 
RADIO 934)

U K O G B A N I [and non]. I don't normally do this, but for
the benefit of those who would not otherwise get this info in
time, here is a perishable schedule for UT Sat March 28 only.
Merlin Communications is celebrating the first anniversary of
taking over the BBC transmitters, with a 24-hour "festival radio
network" broadcast, also on satellite and internet. Programming
includes: 0000-0600, Rock Radio Network; 0600-0900 live breakfast
show with Johnny Walker, and extracts from R. Caroline's MV Ross
Revenge, off the Isle of Sheppey; 0900-1900, interviews with
Merlin founders and staff around the world; Merlin's Magical
Moments of Radio History--rarely heard radio classics; MediaZoo
special; 2-hour special from Los Angeles studios of rock radio
legend Emperor Rosko. MediaZoo in the afternoon [no exact time]
discusses the future of broadcast radio; 1900-2300 live music
with reprise of Merlin interviews from earlier; 2300-2400 Ear
Ache, high-speed telephone interaction with as many of the global 
audience as we can squeeze in. Phone +44 (0) 171 419 1035; E-mail
mno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or via website--
Ironically, tho by definition Merlin have all the info on 
transmitter sites, none are specified in the frequency sked--

0000 - 0200     9525, 11680 to N Am.
0200 - 0300     9525 to N Am.
0300 - 0400     9525 to N Am. 13660 to ME.
0400 - 0500     9780 to Eur and N Am. 13660 to ME and SE Eur.
0500 - 0600     5875 to Eur. 9780 to Eur and N Am. 13660 to Eu/ME
0600 - 0700     9780 to Eur. 13720 to Aus.
0700 - 0800     9915 to Eur. 13720 to Aus. 21550 to Af.
0800 - 1000     9915 to Eur. 13660 to Eur ME. 13720 to Aus. 
                17630 to Eur, Asia and Aus. 21550 to Af.
1000 - 1200     9915 to Eur. 13660 to Eur and ME. 
                17630 to Eur, Asia and Aus. 21550 to Af.
1200 - 1600     9915 to Eur. 13680 to Eur and ME. 21550 to Af.
1600 - 1800     11665 to Eur and ME. 21550 to Af.
1800 - 1900     6130, 9705 to Eur. 21550 to Af.
1900 - 2000     6130, 9705 to Eur and ME.
2000 - 2200     9705 to Eur and ME.
2200 - 2400     9525 to N Am. 9795 to Asia. 11680 to N Am.

Programme details available via http://www.mediazoo.co.uk (Eric 
Wiltsher, rec.radio.shortwave via Dave Kenny, British DX Club, 
March 20 and all this via BDXC via Hauser March 26)         ###

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