[HCDX]: Special Broadcast!
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[HCDX]: Special Broadcast!

Merlin Communications International is offering a special 
QSL for their commemorative broadcast on 28 March. Their address is:
	Merlin Communications International
	P. O. Box 76, Bush House
	The Strand
	London, WC2B 4PH

The special broadcast ends at 2400Z March 28. So get them while you 

Their full schedule is found at http://wkweb4.cableinet.co.uk/radio/info/merlin.htm

It has been heard here in Maryland as follows (All March 28):

0330  9525 54554
0400  9780 54554 Het QRM
0500  5875 44544
0500  9780 43543
1102 17630 33443
1102 13660 33443
1102  9915 34443
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