Re: [HCDX]: Nordic SW Center - NEW net address
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Re: [HCDX]: Nordic SW Center - NEW net address

At 9:19 +0900 3/31/98, Hermod Pedersen wrote:
>1. The web site is working.
>2. If it is not working, it is a temporary error. As this is a major,
>commercial web site you may all rest assured that these errors is soon
>fixed. As if such errors doesn't occur to other sites...

1. You don't call it working when anything's down for several hours. Admit it.

2. Thank you for the enlightenment, that one owes no apology as long as the
others are just as imperfect. I don't agree with that.

Hobby or work, with public activities comes responsibility to live up to
the promises you make, and if you can't, at least to offer an apology
first, then explain.


Sonny M. Ashimori

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