[HCDX]: DX-tips
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[HCDX]: DX-tips


Horacio A. Nigro

RX:Grundig YB400 ANT: Randomwire 25 meters long

ENGLAND 21550 Merlin Network One 1157 Special birthday xmssn. mx:Eagles
"Hotel California", man w/ anmt:"Merlin Network One, happy birthday to
Merlin...bye, bye" (Nigro-Uruguay, Mar 28)

HARMONIC, ARGENTINA UNID 4199... I am working on a UNID rlg here, 2240 with
Bible readings by a couple of w. Presume that their nominal fq is 1400, so
this is their 3rd harmonic. Signal strength is nil to fair/good, but not
listenable every evening.(Nigro-Uruguay, Mar. 30)

NIGERIA 15120 Voice of Nigeria 2005 EG news by w. Exc (Nigro-Uruguay, Mar 28)

URUGUAY Re this item that appeared in DX-Window 109b:

>9622, SODRE answered after 4 months with detailed QSL-card, friendly
>personal letter and general information about the station. Señor Luis
>Ignacio Moreira (v/s) points out that the station has cancelled all
>activities on shortwave due to the poor economic situation. Their shortwave
>transmitter (CXA6) had 500 watts only. In the moment SODRE is in the air on
>MW 650 kHz (CX6), 1050 (CX26), 1290 (CX38). (Schnitzer)

I can say that the 6125 KHz outlet remains active. I hrd it s/on a few
minutes prior to 1100, relaying MW CX6 (650) w/ class mx. But, what Moreira
says, via Schnitzer, is mostly true. SODRE's current authorities do not have
any interest on SW operations. No funds are appointed to SW txer
maintenance. So, its believed that they are in their slow way to
death.(Nigro-Uruguay, Apr 2)

OTHER COMMENTS: Increased solar activity is producing their first results in
other non SW DX reception overhere: Channel 2 from Lima Peru, was present on
my TV set, last Wed at around 0200 with QSBed audio, chroma and syncro
signals activating my standard TV set with only its "rabbit ear" ant. Local
astronomers here comment that these will be a very active Solar Cycle. Good
for SW but they also warn about taking care with your skin! (Nigro-Uruguay,
Apr 2)


73 de Horacio
Horacio A. Nigro,
Canelones 1146,
11100 Montevideo,

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