[HCDX]: DX-Tips
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[HCDX]: DX-Tips

     Following stations heard on 22/23 august:   
     5018.60 Tent.Radio Horizonte Peru with spanish talks by female
     No Id was heard,but sounded as a peruvian,not the colombian on
     same frequency,so try this one for positive Id.2330,SIO 222.

     5770 Radio Miskut Nicaragua with lots of LA songs but also with
     "Everybody hurts sometimes" of R.E.M. and a spanish of Michael
      Jacksons "Ben" 0045 SIO 222.

     4930.65 Radio Internacional Honduras 0550 SIO 232.

     4918.98 Radio Quito Ecuador with Id "la voz de Capital" 0545
     SIO 333.

     4819.23 La Voz de Evangelica Honduras with spanish religious
     talks 0530 SIO 232.

     4935.02 Radio Capixaba Brasil with sports I think and mixing
     another brasilian on same freq.0555 SIO 222.

     4825 Radio Cancao Nova Brasil I checked in parallel also 9675
     but there nothing heard 0550 SIO 333.

     4831.85 Radio Reloj with many salsa songs 0515 SIO 232.   

     Ruud shack Vos   

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