Re: [HCDX]: religious station on 3945 ?
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Re: [HCDX]: religious station on 3945 ?

This info from Wolfgang Bueschels excellent BC-DX Newsletter:

This file is put together on a voluntary basis, and is also included
in our WWDXC WWW homepage,-German AGDX Club-direct address:

>GERMANY   3945  2000-0600   I used the opportunity of my nightwork to check
>"Brother Stair" via Juelich on 3945 (no, please don't recommend me a good
>psychiatrist - some spot checks only, of course...): Schedule is fr 2000
>(quick antenna switch fr RVI-3995 to "Brother Stair"-3945) through the
>whole night until 0600. By the way, that's alongside with Wertachtal-3995
>(which signs off at 0600, too) a occasion to study 75 metres propagation
>under daylight conditions, as sunrise is now already around 0330. I found
>both 3945 and 3995 around 0550 here in eastern Germany (400...500 km away
>from the txs) on nearly the same strength than at night.
>(Kai Ludwig-D, May 2/3)

73 de Christoph Ratzer, OE2CRM

christoph@xxxxxxxxx ----------------------

Member:  ADXB-OE Austria.  DSWCI Denmark.  Medium Wave Circle UK.
RX:  Watkins Johnson HF1000.  Icom R9000.  Collins 51S-1 + R390A.
ANT: RFSystems DXOne Pro. Alpha Delta Slooper. Kiwa MW Loop. LWs.  
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