Re: [HCDX]: Contributions
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Re: [HCDX]: Contributions

>6155; ROEI, Wien; 16 May; 0825 connection to "Intermedia" by Wolf
>Harranth/OE 1 WHC (Netscape vs MICROSOFT), 0830 end of "Inter-
>media", // LW  261 (!), both SINPO 55555; (Elsebusch)
>Austria on LW 261 kHz or rebroadcasted by RADIOROPA/Germany??


Radio Austria International - Certain transmissions are relayed via Radio
Canada International from Sackville, New Brunswick (c); and via RadioRopa
in Germany (g).

1800-1830 smtwtfs  GERMAN          Eu............. 6155 5945 261-g
... and only Saturday from 0800 - 0900 UTC ................. 261-g

Greetings from Austria 

73 de Christoph Ratzer, OE2CRM

christoph@xxxxxxxxx ----------------------

Member:  ADXB-OE Austria.  DSWCI Denmark.  Medium Wave Circle UK.
RX:  Watkins Johnson HF1000.  Icom R9000.  Collins 51S-1 + R390A.
ANT: RFSystems DXOne Pro. Alpha Delta Slooper. Kiwa MW Loop. LWs.  
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