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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE KIWI RADIO WEEKLY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
================== Year Two - 1998 ==================
Editor: Graham J Barclay Email: kiwiradio@xxxxxxxxxxx
Phone: 0064-6-835-9106
Fax: 0064-6-835-9186
WWW site: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/9885
Assistance kindly provided by:
SRS NEWS, Sweden. http://www.lls.se/jal/index.html
# 70
May 17th 1998
Hello DXers and Radio Friends.
Last week we said we were goung to test the KIWI Transmitter with a five
minute voice test at 08.00 UTC on 7475 KHz USB.
It should heve read That the test was for the 16th of May, Not the 10th.
Please accept our opologies, and hopefully things will go alright this
These tests were good, with reports from Australia "Recieved Loud &
Clear", so we may hear from the USA ??
Due to this mix up we WILL DO another 5 minute ( approx ) voice test on
7475 KHz USB at 08.00 UTC on Saturday May 23rd 1998.
Our Legal operation SOUNDWAVE FM has a new Show hosted by
Ian Brown of Whakatane's 1XX Radio, called "REMEMBER WHEN"
For more info please look at:
Good viewing, and we hope to add some "Real Audio" clips from the show
very soon
Onto other news recieved in the past week:
RADIO FREE LONDON on 5805kHz this weekend,
on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th.
Saturday 16th:
Kenny Myers (2 hrs) (More rock tunes from Mr.RFL)
Dave Double-Decks (1 hr) (The dodgy geezer in the leather trousers)
Sunday 17th:
Eric May (Mr.Smooth with the latest Indie music)
Terry Philips (Radio for old people)
Andy Walker's "Free Radio Show" (Pirate memories and free radio news)
Tony Randall (The usual camp fun with all the usual guests on pirate
radio's funniest programme)
RFL News:
Two new exciting projects are in the pipeline this summer,
but only if some station staff can "Get their act together!"
Make a note of our new London snail mail address below.
Rueil is still open for our listeners in Europe.
Snail mail: RFL, 101B, Kings Cross Road, London, WC1X9LP
or RFL, BP 130, 92504 Rueil, Cedex, France.
Email: RFLsw@xxxxxxx
Check out the RFL web site at:
High activity around 7.480 kHz next Sunday.
SWRS will start its brodacasts at 7.30 UTC on 41 and 25 m.b..
>From 8.00 to 9.00 UTC the frequency of 7.480 kHz AM will be used by RADIO BENELUX from Germany (with its own transmitter);
at this time, as per our agreement to avoid interferencies, we will
switch to 7.475 kHz AM.
At 9.00 UTC we will be again on 7.480 kHz AM with our regular
Schedule of Sunday May 17th, 1998:
- on 7.480 kHz AM - 07.30-11.00 UTC
(at 08.00-09.00 UTC we will switch to 7.475 kHz AM)
- on 11.515 (alt. 11.470) kHz USB - 07.30-13.00 UTC
- 07.30-08.00 Radio Silver - Italian
- 08.00-08.30 Play Dx Music - Italian (on 7.475 kHz)
- 08.30-09.00 Crazy Wave Radio (1st half) - German/English (on 7.475
- 09.00-09.30 Radio Silver (repeat)
- 09.30-10.00 Con Frequencia - Spanish
- 10.00-10.30 Play Dx Music (repeat)
- 10.30-11.00 Crazy Wave Radio (2nd half) - German/English
- 11.00-12.00 Radio Marabu (only on 11.515 kHz) - German/English
- 12.00-13.00 Crazy Wave Radio (repeat) (only on 11.515 kHz)
Please check our home page for the last schedule and to know more about
18 December 1998 - 6 January 1999.
Good listening, Steve.
Broadcasting facilities for free radio
address : Postfach 220342 - 42373 Wuppertal - Germany
e-mail : swrs@xxxxxxx
home page: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/7568
Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-New Haven) is standing up for the FCC in
the ongoing fight over unlicensed "La Nueva Radio Musicale."
In an op-ed piece in the New Haven Register this week, DeLauro said she
understands the need for a station like the 104.5 pirate, but she says
the FCC's duty to keep the spectrum well-policed for legal stations
takes priority. The 104.5 folks (who are back on the air after a
third FCC visit last week) had presented DeLauro with a petition
supporting their cause.
( via NERW 5/14/98 )
You can hear Radio Flamingo this weekend
via IRRS-Milano on 7120, 3985 and also on 3955 kHz.
Free Radio via IRRS:
SA: 11.00-13.00 UTC: 7120 kHz
SA: 18.00-20.00 UTC: 3985 kHz repeat
SA: 20.00-21.00 UTC: 3955 kHz repeat
SO: 13.00-15.00 UTC: 7120 kHz repeat
FR: 20.00-21.00 UTC: 3955 kHz repeat
It would be very nice, if you could send me a Reception Report for my
new show.
The address is:
Radio Flamingo International (RFI)
c/o Yves
P.O.Box 1951
D-79554 Weil am Rhein
Radio Borderhunter/Grensjager was raided Tuesday 14/04/98 at 1400 UTC
from a special police team.
The discovery was thanks the help from an Austrian listener who gives
the authority a lot of information.
The Box 28 in Beerse(Belgium) was closed.
( via Pirate News - May N.1 )
Our jingle-site has been re-styled..
Some technical info & history...
If you like, take a peek at:
FRS-H ** The quality-one on SW **
E-mail: FREAK55@xxxxxxxxxx / or: / Peter.verbruggen@xxxxxx
Homepage FRSH: http://www.gironet.nl/home/freak55/home.htm Post
address: FRS-H PO box 2727 6049ZG Herten / The Netherlands /
Q - 103:
Q 103 is transmitting regularly once per month, each saturday afternnon
between 14.00 - 15.00 UTC otherwise noted for extended times.
The next transmission will follow very soon at Sat.16th May on 7494 khz
in LSB or 13963 khz in USB.
Regular transmissions on 10355 khz USB/LSB.
Which frequency will be used cannot yet said, it depends on general
shortwave propagation also on 13 Mhz from the western European location
this time at the dutch enclave of Baarle-Hertog/Baarle-Nassau,
surrounded by belgian territory.
The next broadcast coming from a mobile transmitter unit, last month`s
transmission came from our location in the northern part of Luxemburg.
scandinavian locations will be activated in summer.
also special test transmission will be announced on exactly 18.ooo khz
to reach more distant locations especially in America and AUS/NZ.
On behalf of the operators of Radio Torenvalk and
Radio Tonair, two Dutch Free Radio stations, I would
like to tell you that they wiil make a maraton broadcast
for you the coming weekend, starting off at 21 UTC
Friday, and shutting down Saturday night 23 UTC.
The frequency is 9240 kHz.
Best wishes Stefan Printz, Pirate Connection
( via:
_____ ____ _____ SRS-World Wide Information
/ ___/ / __ \ / ___/ http://www.lls.se/jal/
\__ \ / /_/ / \__ \ Address:SRS, Ostra Porten 29, 442 54
___/ / / _, _/ ___/ / e-mail: srs@xxxxxxxxx or jal@xxxxxx
/____/ /_/ |_| /____/ ICQ: 3011020 )
Amigos da lista:
O WORLDWIDE DX CLUB (Alemanha) esta vendendo o World Radio TVHandbook'98
por apenas 9 IRC (ou US$11) mediante envio adiantado p/
Postfach 1214
A HP e':
"PLAY DX MUSIC", a program produced by Play Dx, comes back on the air
over SWRS frequencies next Sunday morning, 17 May.
Two broadcast of 30 minutes are scheduled:
at 8-8.30 UTC on 7475/11515 kHz and at 10-10.30 UTC
on 7480/11515 kHz.
You can write your comments to:
Play Dx, Via Davanzati 8, 20158 Milano, Italy
or to playdx@xxxxxxxxxxx
By: LTC William L. Howard
[ originally published in: MILITARY COLLECTOR GROUP POST, May
9/98 ]
In 1934 the National Company came out with a new radio designated as
the HRO, supposedly for "Hurried Rush Order".
This set was a 9 tube superhetrodyne set that used plug-in coils in the
front panel, and an unusual four gang tuning condensor that was mounted
at right angles to the worm gear attached to the tuning control. The
tuning dial also had windows that revealed dial graduations.
This set was copied by many nations, if not directly, then in a similar
style, plug-in rectangular coils, four gang tuning condensor.
Figure 1 Schematic of Type HRO receiver.
By the late 1930s the Japanese realized that new radios were
needed and by 1943 these sets began to appear in the field. For the
most part, Aircraft radios began to be made using octal base tubes.
Examples include a radio direction finder that was copied from a pre-war
Bendix Aviation set.
Other aircraft radios began to use octal base tubes.
The first of the Japanese HRO sets was an exact copy of the HRO
with some minor changes. Once the factories were tooled to produce
parts for this set, it would appear that radio engineers were instructed
to design furure radios making use of the components that were made for
the HRO. Principaly these were the plug in coil forms and the four gang
tuning condensor.
The first set of the HRO copies was designated as the Mark 1 Ground
Wireless Receiver. It came in a large wooden chest that housed the
receiver, a power supply, two drawers of plug-in coils and a drawer of
accessories. These accessories included the headphones and another set
of IF transformers as well as other items. The power supply contained
two switches and a meter.
This set was followed by a Mark 2 Wireless Ground receiver. I
have not seen any of these so am unable to comment in detail on this
set. This set seems to have been issued with a companion transmitter. It
used eight tubes, a UZ6D6, a Ut 6l7G,another UZ6D6, two UY 76s,two
Ut6B7/2 and a UZ 41 as the final audio amplifier. This set seems to have
followed the schematic of the HRO but with out the amplifier tube for a
Figure 2 Block Diagram of Mark 2 Wireless Set Receiver.
The Type 99 series of aircraft radios had progressed from the
Mark 1 to the Mark 4. The Mark 5 series had a receiver that appears to
have been strongly influenced by the HRO design. This set made use of
five tubes while the National HRO had 9 tubes. A 6F7 and four UZ 78s
were mounted behind the ganged tuning condensor, and behind the row of
tubes were the interstage transformers. Since the aircraft did not need
a speaker, the last tube in the HRO schematic could easily be
eliminated. Other modifications could have been the elimination of one
of the IF stages and possibly one stage of RF amplification, although
the four gang condensor would indicate two stages of RF amplification.
The next set in the HRO series that I have encountered was called
the Mark 3 Ground Receiver. Little information on this set exists.
Someone sent me a polaroid photo of this set. By checking in a post war
Japanese book on radios, it was identified as the Mark 3 Ground set. It
appears to have been developed by the same group that developed the Type
99 Mark 5 receiver. The set was mounted in a metal case that had two
elements below the receiver. What these were is not certain but was
probably the power supply. It appears to have been the same power supply
as used in the Mark 1 set but without the meter. By 1943 the Germans had
begun to eliminate meters from their sets as parts were in short supply
and it can be assumed that the Japanese experience was similar. Meters
were needed for transmitter and not for power supplies.
The Mark 3 set used the four gang tuning capacitor and a plug in coil.
It however used only five tubes. A UZ 6D6, a Ut 6A7, and three more
tubes, UZ 78 or UZ 6D6 which appear to have been interchangeable.
Figure 3 Block Diagram of Mark 3 Wireless Receiver.
There was also a companion transmitter with this set. It had
three meters across the top, three vernier tuning dials, a plug in
crystal socket and other controls. This transmitter appears to have been
a four tube transmitter. The Japanese text refers to an 807A so it is
assumed that all the tubes were 807As. Probably some sort of MOPA
circuit. I have never seen one of these transmitters so the information
is limited.
The Mark 3 Wireless set set seems to have been superceded by a
new ground radio designated WIRELESS STATION MARK 4 GROUND.
Exactly what this set was designed for is uncertain, but the data plates
on both the transmitter and the receiver had been stamped with a star
emblem that was usually associated with civilians attached to the army.
It is possible that this set was designed for use by homeland defense
forces. The data plates were made to have the date of manufacture
stamped on them but on the examples
I saw, this date stamping was missing.
This set had a receiver that resembled the HRO. It used a rectangular
plug in coil on the front panel. According to information supplied by
Takashi Doi, there was an early model and a later model of the Mark 3
In addition a photograph in a post war Japanese book identifies the
receiver and transmitter as the MU 23 set. MU is the Japanese
abbreviation for MUSEN which means radio or wireless. Photographs on the
next few pages show the Mark 3 and Mark 4 sets.
The Mark 4 set probably was closer to the National HRO as it had
9 tubes, however the tuning capacitor only had three gangs and the coil
box had three coil units. The IF transformer was mounted in a plug-in
container so it is assumed that the requirement to change IF
transformers when switching bands still existed. It can be assumed that
there was also an accessory container for this set which housed the
other coils, headphones, keys, cables etc. This set used UZ 6D6 tubes
The 6D6 tube is a 6 pin tube with a grid cap. The five tubes mounted
directly behind the tuning capacitor were protected by tube shields,
three tubes in the rear and one on the side were not encased in tube
The example that I saw had three plug-in coils. Coil Number 1
covered 4 MC to 6 MC, Coil Number 2 covered 6 MC to 9 MC and coil Number
3 covered 9 MC to 133 MC, a considerably wider range than the
frequencies marked on the companion transmitter. Controls on the front
panel of course were in Japanese but some one had penciled in BFO,
Volume Control, Main tuning, Wave Tuning, High Cycle, and Antenna
Decrease. Two other items were binding posts for Antenna and Ground
This receiver was designed to be connected to the companion
transmitter. When removed from the case, there are two power ports, one
four pin and one six pin. When I slid the receiver back into the case,
the four pin
socket was not exposed! It is therefore assumed that the four pin
socket was to provide power when the set was out of the case and being
worked on.
Once back in the case, the set must be connected to the transmitter for
The transmitter also has two power ports, both of which can be seen when
the unit is in the case. The Six pin plug from the power source went to
the transmitter and then a connecting cable transferred power to the
receiver. The power port on the transmitter was marked with a red dot
and the number 1 while the transfer ports on the transmitter and
receiver were marked with a yellow dot and the number 2. While this set
is easy to transport, it takes time to set the staion up and place it in
The transmitter for the Mark 4 Wireless set is shown on the pages
following the photographs of the receiver. The entire station was
designed to be carried in a canvas pack which is also shown.
The example shown had two packs, presumably one for transmitter and
receiver and one for the power supply and accessories. What sort of
power supply was used with this station is unknown. Presumably a
dynamotor or battery pack and generator were employed although it is
possible that an AC Main line power supply was provided.
As with other Japanese sets, all the parts are numbered and in the
receiver, part number 1 is the antenna connector and the last numbered
part is the headphone socket. In the transmitter, the reverse is
usually the
case with the key being number 1 and the higest number is the antenna
connector. Part numbering facilitates following a schematic during
While most tactical ground Japanese sets have a schematic mounted
somewhere in the set, these sets had none.
The HRO copy, Mark 1 set was also powered by a dynamotor. The
dynamotor for use with this set is shown in the pages following the
transmitter and receiver. In addition to the dynamotor, detailed photos
of the power supply are shown. This power supply had provisions for
input voltages as high as 500 Volts.
By late 1943 or early 1944 the Japanese began to use octal tubes
in the HRO sets. The set owned by Ken Lakin had what appeared to be
factory installed octal tube sockets except for the oscillators.
Changing these tubes to octal tubes would have required other major
Not being able to test these receivers and transmitters limits ones
observations to the manufacturing process and to speculation on the
reason for the design changes. Since the National HRO did not come out
until 1934 it can be assumed that the Japanese did not get any samples
until 1935 or 1936. As the Japanese Empire began to expand, especially
to the far away islands, reliable long range communication was needed
and the HRO was probably the best receiver of the time. Work was begun
to copy the set and once tooling was made, there was a reluctance to
re-tool, hence later versions tended to make use of parts that were
already in production. As the war went on and the Japanese suffered
defeats as well as a shortage of raw materials, manufacturing short-cuts
were taken. This was most apparent in their rifles. Radios, on the
other hand, were not something that readily led to manufacturing short
cuts. The lack of a meter on the Mark 3 set's power supply was not a
major change but rather an economy measure. The transition from a four
gang tuning condensor to a three gang with a resultant shift from four
coils to three coils, probably was a manufacturing short cut. It also
shows that as the empire was collapsing, the range of communication
decreased and perhaps one stage of RF was enough for the Japanese.
Reducing the number of coils needed from the original 9 with the Mark 1
set to 3 coils for the Mark 4 set also reduced the amount of metal
The receivers turn up now and then but transmitters are rare items and
the dynamotors are extremly scarce items as are the power supplies.
Connecting cables and plugs are virtually non existant. Any effort to
power up these receivers will require fabrication of plugs and cables. A
power supply should also be built, if the original can not be found.
Personally, I would not want to use the original power supply as too
many things can go wrong. U.S. transformers, rectifiers and capacitors
can be used to make a power supply that will work with out taking any
chances on destroying the original power supply.
Photograph Credits:
Japanese HRO Set, Colin McKinnon, QST Magazine
Japanese Type 99 Mark 5 receiver, Pat Lombardi Collection
Photos by Pat Lombardi
Japanese Ground Wireless Station Mark 4 transmitter and
Lou Demers Collection, Photos by William L. Howard,
Japanese Mark 1 Dynamotor, William L. Howard Collection
Japanese HRO set and power supply, Ken Lakin Collection
Photos by Janet Lakin
Information on the National HRO and the Type HRO schematic
supplied by John Orahood.
Schematic of the Mark 3 Set supplied by Takashi Doi, Yokohama,
e-mail:< wlhoward@xxxxxxx> Telephone AC 813 585-7756
Rock -it Radio is broadcasting live over the internet via Real audio
it's like the heppest and craziest tech no matic technology!!
On Friday Nights from our Studios we do a netcast with a link there in
the State of Texas in Corpus Christi. Just push your mouse on over to
we follow the Patsy Jones show -- she is one real gone chick herself
sings in a great little Italian Restaurant Live and we are on right
after her
from a little after 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Pacific Time. umm that's like
0315 to 0530 hours Universal time.
Join our chat room... and for those that want -- you QSL cats out there
we will provide a special internet QSL your way... just to say thanks
for tuning in over the net!!!
Bennie Dingo
e mail: rockitrad@xxxxxxx
web page that features past archive broadcasts!!:
note: if you tried tuning in again.... well we have improved our
connection immensely we don't use aol anymore for our link... we have a
much better cleaner connection thru Earthlink.... hope to see you
there... and join our chatroom!! at www.palmsradio.com
You can also write to us at:
Rock-it Radio
p.o. box 5617
Ventura, California
USA 93005
Here's our latest schedule for tomorrow Saturday 16th of June:
DJ Johny with a very cool show! Lots of Irish music and plenty more.
Four years on the air and still rockin'!!
Three T-shirts for three lucky winners! Mailbox and listeners
who have sent in the most reception reports since 1994.Two free radio
recordings from the USA and a few old Radio Sparks shows thrown in
to spice things up a bit.
IRRS is now testing every Friday and Saturday at 22.00 CET on 3955Khz.
Radio 510 International programmes can be heard at this time.
Thats all for this week, see you in 7 Days and Good Dxing
Graham J Barclay
Email: kiwiradio@xxxxxxxxxxx
WWW: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/9885
Graham J.Barclay ============== KIWI RADIO / SOUNDWAVE FM
P O Box 3103, Onekawa, Napier, New Zealand
Email: kiwiradio@xxxxxxxxxxx
URL: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/9885
Phone: 0064-6-835-9106 , Fax: 0064-6-835-9186
This is a message from RADIO <kiwiradio@xxxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe hard-core-dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
For more information, please check http://www.iki.fi/rko/hard-core-dx/
or email Risto Kotalampi, risto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx