Re: [HCDX]: FM Studio Links 26Mhz
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Re: [HCDX]: FM Studio Links 26Mhz

On Wed, 20 May 1998, Hans van den Boogert wrote:

> 1) WFLA's (Tampa FL) studio link on 25870 NFM. 
> 2) Portland, Oregon (always on the air, but not always with modulation) on 25.950 Mhz. "Sunny 1520", call?
> 3) FL  WJFP West Palm Beach (91.1 and 107.1 FM) heard on 26470 NBFM.
> 4) WTVN, Columbus, OH  26250
Thanks. I have picked up a few others. I will list them tonorrow!

Colin Newell
R2000 - Sony7600G - DX440 - DX150B - Active Antennas - Firestick Whips    The Coffee Expert's Group
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