[HCDX]: logs: MW: 19 - 20 MAY 1998
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[HCDX]: logs: MW: 19 - 20 MAY 1998
(logs 19 - 20 MAY 1998: file=DX980520.LOG)
MAINE COAST after-work road-trip report
Report from Mark Connelly - Times / dates = UTC / 1998
e-mail = WA1ION@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[Connelly*O-ME] = Ogunquit, ME
(GC= 70.598 W / 43.25 N)
(River Road, near Beach Street: beach parking area)
Receiver: Drake R8A
Antenna system - BBL-1 broadband loop and MFJ-1024 whip
(as cardioid array); Superphaser-1 phasing unit
549 ALGERIA, Les Trembles, MAY 20 0057 - woman in AA; poor
to fair. [Connelly*O-ME]
612 SPAIN / MOROCCO, MAY 20 0056 - jumbled messy mix of
SS and AA talk. [Connelly*O-ME]
621 CANARY ISLANDS // SPAIN, RNE1 synchros, MAY 20 0055 -
SS talk // 639; poor. [Connelly*O-ME]
639 SPAIN, RNE1, La Coruna et al., MAY 20 0054 - SS discussion;
loud. [Connelly*O-ME]
711 WESTERN SAHARA, Laayoune, MAY 20 0052 - AA talk;
through tough T-storm static (QRN). [Connelly*O-ME]
765 SENEGAL, Dakar, MAY 20 0049 - male AA vocal; over fast
SAH that was presumably from Switzerland under. [Connelly*O-ME]
891 ALGERIA, Algiers, MAY 20 0047 - AA music at low audio
level on a strong carrier. [Connelly*O-ME]
1044 MOROCCO, Sebaa-Aioun, MAY 19 2352 - AA vocal; rising
through QRN. The static crashes seemed pretty strong
considering that no clouds were in view. [Connelly*O-ME]
1044 SPAIN, SER synchros, MAY 20 0041 - SER SS newstalk
and telephone interview; over others. [Connelly*O-ME]
1089 UNITED KINGDOM, Talk Radio synchros, MAY 20 0040 -
excited EE teletalk. To strong peaks (but with choppy fades
at times); WBAL in cardioid array phase-null. [Connelly*O-ME]
1098 SLOVAKIA / SPAIN, MAY 20 0038 - even-strength battle
between Slavic music and SS talk; a bad growl resulted from
the frequency difference of about 50 Hz. [Connelly*O-ME]
1107 SPAIN, RNE5 synchros, MAY 20 0036 - two men in SS;
LOUD ! [Connelly*O-ME]
1125 SPAIN, RNE5 synchros, MAY 20 0036 - fast SS talk; poor.
1134 CROATIA, HR, Zadar, MAY 20 0035 - initially dominating
the channel with a Slavic folk vocal. Then it faded under
Spain. [Connelly*O-ME]
1134 SPAIN, COPE synchros, MAY 20 0036 - SS teletalk; rising
atop Croatia. [Connelly*O-ME]
1152 SPAIN, RNE5 synchros, MAY 20 0032 - man in SS; fair.
Jumble of other stuff noted under. [Connelly*O-ME]
1179 SPAIN // CANARY ISLANDS, SER synchros, MAY 20 0111 -
SER net SS teletalk; fair to good with WHAM phased.
1215 UNITED KINGDOM, Virgin R. synchros, MAY 20 0113 - rock
music; just over Spain and barely covering the static crashes.
1251 LIBYA, Tripoli, MAY 20 0113 - man in AA; poor to fair
in tough (hard to null) WKBR/WARE/WMTR slop. [Connelly*O-ME]
1296 SPAIN, COPE, Valencia, MAY 20 0023 - man & woman with
SS teletalk; good. [Connelly*O-ME]
1314 SPAIN, RNE5 synchros, MAY 20 0114 - bits of SS talk;
in tough CKEC-1320 slop. Other signal (Norway or UAE ?) noted
under. [Connelly*O-ME]
1349 MAURITANIA, R. Mauritanie, Nouakchott, MAY 19 2325 -
het, bits of female vocal: at pre-sunset fade-up. First TA
signal noted this afternoon. [Connelly*O-ME]
1422 ALGERIA, Algiers, MAY 20 0012 - AA violins; poor at
first, then the carrier got strong, but the audio was still
at a low level. [Connelly*O-ME]
1512 SAUDI ARABIA, BSKSA, Jeddah, MAY 20 0116 - AA male
Koranic a cappella vocal; EXCELLENT signal - about equal to
WNRB-1510 ! The huge strength of this so late in the DX
season really surprised me. The 0100-0130 UTC slot seems
to be the optimum time for Middle East propagation during
spring and summer. [Connelly*O-ME]
1548 KUWAIT, VOA, Kuwait City, MAY 20 0117 - VOA program
with US EE talk by man; to fair peaks, well over the British
stations. It was close to dawn on the Kuwait end of the path.
1550 ALGERIA - CLANDESTINE, Tindouf, MAY 19 2332 - bongo
drums, oud-like string instrument, and a group of women
shouting and singing in a Berber tribal style. HUGE signal,
way over a US station that had a baseball game. This was
definitely the loudest pre-sunset TA. [Connelly*O-ME]
1584 SPAIN / CEUTA, MAY 20 0018 - Spain with SER newstalk
and Ceuta with music "duked it out" at even strength. Tough
static and CBJ slop at times. [Connelly*O-ME]
1602 SPAIN, EI, Vitoria, MAY 20 0117 - mellow SS pop vocal;
good, way over the SER SS talker. No sign of Ascension Island
that Neil Kazaross heard from here in the '80s. [Connelly*O-ME]
1110 VENEZUELA, YVQT, Carupano, MAY 20 0037 - R. Carupano
ID, SS talk; fair over a low rumble. In general, the Latin
Americans were on the weak side tonight. Even 535 and the
other Caribbean splits were barely making it. [Connelly*O-ME]
1375 ST. PIERRE ET MIQUELON, RFO, MAY 19 2330 - man with
FF teletalk; fair. Groundwave reception at this site is
possible (day signal at noise threshold). [Connelly*O-ME]
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