[HCDX]: TFW 61 1/2
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[HCDX]: TFW 61 1/2

THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE  - Copyright 1998  Part  1
Year 3 -  Number  61  - Rome,25 May 1998
QTH: xxxxxxxx
PHONE:  xxxxxxx
FAX: +39 6 5126262
E-MAIL: g.serra@xxxxxx
The Four Winds on Line  - Copyright 1998 - Newsletter edited by 
Giovanni Serra, Rome - Italy.

                             TFW on Line Policy
1) TFW on Line covers only the SW Broadcasting  Specrum.
2) Subscription rate:  as a non  commercial newsletter, 
    there is no fee to subscribe TFW on Line.
3) TFW on Line is distributed to Individuals, DX Editors,
    Clubs and Organizations, asking for the reciprocal exchange of  
    DX Bulletins and / or contributions.
4) Excerpts may be reprinted,translated, e-mailed and / or 
    transmitted with appropriate credit, unless Copyright indicated.
5) Not to be redistributed or reposted without permission.
6) Suggestions and ideas are welcome. 
7) If you no longer wish to receive TFW on Line  please, 
    drop me a line.   
loggings in order of  time;  frequencies in kHz;  times UTC;  
ham codes as usual;  Reporting  signal quality: Loc  = local 
signal; E = excellent; G = good;  F = fair; P = poor; 
VP = very poor;  A = avoid.  (also in SINPO or SIO code)


AL QUAGLIERI  - Some new RealAudio feeds:  IRAN:  VOIRI (Iran) at
<http://www.irib.com/radio/real/radio2.ram > --- MONACO: Radio Monte
Carlo at < http://www.radiomontecarlo.net/ >--- SOUTH AFRICA: SAFM at <
http://www.avnet.co.za/safmlive.ram >--- Radio Metro at <
http://www.qradio.net/ra_files/metro.ram >--- TANZANIA: Radio One
(Tanzania) at <  http://www.ippmedia.com/radio1.ram >  

Thank you  for all our Contributors !

AL QUAGLIERI ( AQ ), Albany, NY, USA    via e - mail    RX:  Drake
R8A    ANT:  an extended Zepp antenna < http://www.albany.net/~alcue/ >
BOB HILL, Littleton, MA, USA for DX Report   via e-mail   RX: Sony
ICF-2010 with Kiwa filters  - an old Radio West ferrite loop ANT: a
dipole about 75 meters long and about 12 meters high
BOB PADULA,Surrey Hills,Victoria,Australia for EDXP #87 #88 via e-mail <
http://members.tripod.com/~bpadula/edxp.html ><
http://members.tripod.com/~bpadula/padulabooks.html >
BRUNO PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy  for Radiorama Pirate News May
# 2   via e - mail    RX: Kenwood R5000, Lowe HF150 ANT.: Yaesu FRT7700,
Daiwa AF606K, longwire 15 mt  <  http://www.arpnet.it/~air/welcome.htm >
<  http://www.radiorama.it >
CHARLES BOLLAND, Lake Worth FL, USA  via e-mail  RX: NRD535D and
NRD525    ANT.: Longwire
DAVID  J. VALKO,  USA for DX News via e-mail   RX: JRC NRD-535D -
Collins R-388     ANT.: 33 meter (NE-SW) Longwire "T"
GIOVANNI  SERRA, Roma, Italy (ed.)   RX:  JRC NRD 525     ANT:  Alpha
Delta DX SWL-S Sloper  (40 feet) ;  JPS NIR 10 filter and Oregon
Scientific clock, tuned  with the standard frequency station DCF 77 in
Mainflingen, Germany on 77.5 kHz.
GLENN HAUSER (GH), Enid OK, USA for GH SW/DX Report 98-23, May 14, 1998
via e-mail < http://www.hotmail.com ><
http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio >
HORACIO A. NIGRO, Montevideo, Uruguay  via e-mail   RX: Grundig YB400  
ANT.:   randomwire 25m long 
MARK J.FINE,  Remington, VA, USA  via e-mail    < 
http://www.crosslink.net/~mfine/  > RX: Drake R8A   ANT.: 66' longwire
that slopes slightly southeast 
MARK VELDHUIS, Borne, The Netherlands via e-mail    RX: AOR AR7030 - JRC
NRD-535 - Lowe HF-150 -Sony ICF-SW7600G   ANT: Appr. 20 meter longwire +
MLB and RF Systems SP-2 antenna splitter
MARTIN SCHOECH, Merseburg, Germany via e-mail RX: Sony ICF 2001D ANT:
Sony AN 1 (active telescopic antenna) <
http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/2594/ > --- also for CLANDESTINE
RADIO WATCH  004,  May 15, 1998
MICHIEL SCHAAY,  Doorn, The Netherlands  via e-mail   RX: AOR AR7030  
ANT.: RF-Systems T2FD and MK1
PAUL ORMANDY, Oamaru, New Zealand via e-mail       RX: Drake SPR-4     
ANT: from home 2 x 25 metre dipoles in a V -  from Waianakarua, 3 x 300m
Beverages aimed at the USA, 1 x 450 metre aimed at South America and 1 x
300m aimed at Hawaii/Alaska.
PIET PIJPERS, Alphen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands  via e-mail    RX: Lowe
HF225E     ANT.:   20 meters longwire.
SHERYL PASZKIEWICZ, Manitowoc, WI, USA for DX Party Line via e-mail 
RX:  Icom R8 - JRC NRD 525   ANT.:  60' LW Eavesdropper
ZACHARIAS LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece via e-mail   RX:  Lowe HF 150 -
Philips 2935 - Sony ICF 7600 D   ANT:  6 meters sloper  ATU hand made -
11 m hor ( for 40 m - 60 m ) - 6 m antenna tilted upward MFJ 16010 ATU
MFJ 1040 b preselector MFJ 1025 antenna shadow  <
http://www.compulink.gr/Users/zliangas >  SHORTED ! <
http://www.clandjop.com/~jcruzan/greek-p.html >  (mirrored for greek
pirate radio )

Copyright Notice: Republication of  EDXP information by groups and
individuals who do not receive it directly is not permitted

SW TIPS    (TIME - Freq. - Country)

0125- 4926- BOLIVIA- Radio San Miguel 0125-0205 Weak signal plagued by
atmosperic noise with man and woman taking turns reading items, possibly
news. At 0200 midnight they wished listeners ''buenas dias'' and station
was mentioned.(Pijpers, The Netherlands May 13) 242

0137- 11790- INDIA- AIR  0137  Unusual carrier-plus-USB mode in presumed
Sindhi with much talk re Pakistan. ID at 0150 and into emphatic oration.
This freq isn't listed in WRTH or PWBR but does appear in Z98 sked. 
(Hill, USA May 11)

0139- 9925- GERMANY- Croatian Radio  0139  News in English read by woman
until 0142. Part of re release transmission via Deutsche Telekom
transmitter at Juelich. Otherwise unnotable, except that English news
was read at the half-hour mark in addition to the usual on-hour segments
to North America. Noted again at 0238. (Fine, USA 12 May)

0142- 4845- GUATEMALA- Radio K'ekchi';Fray Bartolome de las Casas, May
17, 0142-0200*, Religious talk by male in Spanish, last part in presumed
K'ekchi'. Very weak at sign off time but pretty sure this was the one,
with tentative Ids, ''las Casas'' & "Guatemala".(Pijpers, The

0145- 4815- BRAZIL- Radio Difusora; Londrina, May 18, 0145-0202*,
Brasilian popmusic, young lady with announcements & IDs just before
0200, followed by canned ID and sign off, Weak signal in atmospheric
noise.(Pijpers, The Netherlands)

0153- 4950- ANGOLA- RN de Angola; Mulenvos, May 16, 0153-0205, Energetic
kind of popmusic with timecheck and short newsbulletin at top in
Portuguese. Poorish signal lasting till around 0410 when it faded away.
When tuning to frequency station was under/mixing with Spanish speaking
station. Surprising, since 4950 is usually *empty* at this hour. LA
station signed off at 0155: maybe Radio Madre de Dios? (Pijpers, The

0217- 6150- KENYA- KBC; Nairobi, May 16, 0217-0257:30. On clear channel:
OM presenting hilife music in Swahili, playing song called ''Nairobi''.
Ad, presumably remedy against mosquito bites and a reminder for the non
Swahili speaking etc. that they are listening to KBC. Signal fair to
poor and blocked by Deutsche Welle at topeth. (Pijpers, The Netherlands)

0217- 6115- PERU- Radio Union; Lima (t), May 10, 0217-0247, OM in
Spanish about ''La Palabra de Dios'', introducing *live* a  religious
orator. Resemblance to the Radio Vitoria format with preacher/young
girl: such a programme was heard on 6020 at 0450 same morning, but
Vitoria being on 6018.1 or thereabouts....).OM also giving programme
details for the coming days. Poor signal with tentative IDs and other
Spanish speaking station sometimes audible on same frequency.(Pijpers,
The Netherlands)

0217- 6115- PERU- Radio Union(t) 0217-0247 OM in Spanish about ''La
Palabra de Dios'', introducing live a religious orator. Resemblance to
the Radio Vitoria format with preacher/young girl: such a programme was
heard on 6020 at 0450 same morning, but Vitoria being on 6018.1 or
thereabouts..). OM also giving programme details for the coming days.
Poor signal with tentative IDs and other Spanish speaking station
sometimes audible on same frequency.(Pijpers, The Netherlands May 10)

0230- 5010- ECUADOR- Escuelas Radiofonicas Populares(t) 0230-0255 Andean
music with flutes coming surprisingly clear out of noise with otherwise
weak signal. At 0254 man and woman with what felt like sign off talk,
but not readable. ''Carrier'' interfering at that moment.(Pijpers, The
Netherlands May 13)

0243- 6480- PERU- Radio Altura; Huarmaca, May 18, 0243-0302, Andean
music with some faint but clear IDs. Weak signal made worse by morse
interference and lost signal completely at 0300.(Pijpers)

0250- 5018- PERU- Radio Horizonte; Chachapoyas, May 10, 0250-0302*,
Religious programme, probably a Holy Mass with congregation answering
priest with full sentences. No hysterics here. Weak and noisy signal due
to atmospheric disturbance. ID two times, sounding like *Horizonto* and
sign off with National Anthem. 242 (Pijpers, The Netherlands)

0250- 5018- PERU- Radio Horizonte 0250-0302* Religious programme,
probably a Holy Mass with congregration answering priest with full
sentences. No hysterics here. Weak & noisy signal due to atmospheric
disturbance. ID two times, sounding like ''Horizonto'' and sign off with
National Anthem. (Pijpers, The Netherlands May 10)

0255- 4935- BRAZIL- Radio Capixaba; Vitoria, May 12, 0255-0340, Usual
ranting preacher in Portuguese, at first mixing and on a par with KBC,
Nairobi( ID at 0300 with news in English), getting the upperhand when
the sun started to rise. Obviously a complete mess, signal-wise.
(Pijpers, The Netherlands) 232 

0255- 4935- BRAZIL- Radio Capixaba(p) 0255-0340 Usual ranting preacher
in Portuguese, at first mixing with KBC, Nairobi (ID at 0300 and news in
English) with almost *equal* signal, Brazil getting the upperhand when
the sun started to rise. Signal-wise a mess, of course.(Pijpers, The
Netherlands May 12)

0258- 3281- MOZAMBIQUE- Emissao Provincial de Sofala; Beira (t) May 22,
0258-0305, Interval signal, ''Emissao..'' noted, presumed news in unID
language, IS again and fading. Very weak. Same pattern during entire
week. Grey line, but a little too late, maybe. (Pijpers, The

0311- 3200- SWAZILAND- Trans World Radio 0311-0330* Male preaching in
vernacular, Ndbele according to TBL. IS at 0330. Noted at same time on
3240 another TWR programme in Shona language, again according to TBL
sked. Both poor. (Pijpers, The Netherlands May 10)

0314- 4810- ARMENIA- V.o.Armenia in unid lang, 5/23  0314-0320, M W ID s
and ancmts, mx pause, M tlk till 0319, lcl song (hrd in lsb to avoid
rtty, QRN statics) F / P (Serra, Italy)

0317- 4800- LESOTHO- LNBS; Maseru, May 22, 0317-0335, Male in SeSotho,
mentioning Lesotho and also ''America''. Male choir after this.Signal
poor to fair and fading around 0345. Not heard on May 23, same
time.(Pijpers, The Netherlands)

0320- 6160-  CANADA- CKZN; St. John's NF, 0320, May 18, Woman in English
presenting jazz programme. *CBC* ID. Often heard at this time on 940 CBM
with same programme, but first time on SW & on a clear channel. Still,
almost buried in noise by adjacents.Blocked at 0358. (Pijpers, The

0321- 4820- BOTSWANA- R.Botswana in Vern. (presumed) 5/23  0321,
continuous pop songs, with M dj (QRN statics, QRM het) F/P (NOTE: too
sleepy to understand if it was Botswana on here, hi ) (Serra, Italy)

0337- 15615 - ISRAEL Reshet Bet 5/16 0337 HB vcls (Paszkiewicz, USA)

0340- 3380 - MALAWI- MBC 5/11 0340 Afr pop mx, MBC ID (Paszkiewicz, USA)

0343- 5054.6- COSTA RICA- Faro del Caribe; San Jose', May 15, 0343-0401,
Preacher with US accent telling parables & own experiences. Seemed a
very professional job. RFO Matoury absent. Onslaught of harsh CW
transmission at 0400, Spanish at 0402. Poor/fair. (Pijpers, The

0350- 4845- BOLIVIA- Radio Fides; La Paz, May 23, 0350-0403*, OM
remembering the victims of the earthquake in Aiquille, Mizque and Totora
when signing off. (Pijpers, The Netherlands)

0410- 4904- PERU- Radio La Oroya; La Oroya, May 17, 0410-0430, Weak
signal: Andean music, OM yelling over music.ID. Latish with cat already
basking in the sun. (Pijpers, The Netherlands)

0459- 7270- GABON- Radiodiffusion TV Gabonaise, May 23,*0459-0515,
Tapeloop till 0502 part of which read ''Vous...RTV Un, Radio Nationale 
e'mettant de Libreville'', including interval signal and frequencies
(7270 & 4777). News from *Libreville* was next. Poor signal.(Pijpers,
The Netherlands)

0505- 5995- PERU- Radio Melodia; Arequipo, May 16, 0505-0520, Upbeat LA
music with thank God  a noisy OM ID'ing over a bottom of the barrel
signal and all this on a clear channel.(Pijpers, The Netherlands)

0622- 5805- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Free London, May 16th , Pop mx,ID in EG 
23232 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News May # 2)

0630- 6220- PIRATE EUROPE- Laser Hot Hits May 16th , Pop mx,ID,QTH in
EG  23332 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News May # 2)

0705- 5805- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Free London May 17th,  Mx and ID in EG
23332 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News May # 2)

0715- 7480- PIRATE EUROPE- SWRS May 17th Mx non stop,ID,QTH in
EG,GM,Italian   33333 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News May # 2)

0718- 11515- PIRATE EUROPE- SWRS (in USB)  May 17, Mx,ID,QTH in
Italian,EG  22222 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News May # 2)

0736- 7480- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Silver via SWRS May 17th Rock mx,ID,QTH in
Italian 33333 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News May # 2)

0758- 6200- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Pandora May 17th Mx,ID,QTH in EG  23332
(Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News May # 2)

0801- 7475- PIRATE EUROPE- Play DX Music via SWRS May 17th Mx,info,ID in
Italian  33333 (Pecolatto, Italy/Radiorama Pirate News May # 2)

0803- 7480- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Benelux May 17th Mx,ID,QTH in GM   33333
(Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News May # 2)

0810- 6300- PIRATE EUROPE- Farmers from Holland May 17th Folk mx,ID in
Dutch  33333 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News May # 2)

0845- 11785- INDONESIA- Voice of Indonesia, Cimanggis, 13/05, 08:45
female speaker in English, Indonesian folk song from Central Java.
Noisy  modulation but otherwise good reception SINPO 44444. (Schaay, The

0902- 15295- MALAYSIA- Voice of Malaysia, Kajang, 13/05, 09:02 female
speaker with Malaysian and international news in Bahasa Malaysia. SINPO
44444. (Schaay, The Netherlands)

0910- 3289.83- GUYANA- Voice of Guyana 0910-0920 A surprisingly good
signal with a man in English comments and ID, "Guyana Broadcasting
Corporation". Music selection was mainly middle east type . At 0915 a
second man takes over, but music typical India.  (Bolland, USA  May 8,

0915- 4945- BOLIVIA- Radio Illimani 0915-0930 Noted a woman in Spanish
comments until 0925, then music presented. Signal faded from fair to
almost threshold by 0930.( Bolland, USA  May 8, 1998)

0939- 4505.11- PERU-  Radio Horizonte 0939-1000 Noted a man in Spanish
comments. Lots of noise here, so difficult to catch details. Signal was
poor. (Bolland, USA  May 16, 1998)

0947- 6069.84- INDONESIA- RRI Jayapura, 0947-1010, IN tlk by W w/many
ments of RRI, Jakarta, and Indonesia.  Sev. QTH IDs at 0955.  Instru. mx
w/W anct at 0957 and then again at 0959 w/TOH TC, then non-stop long
soft Indo Lagu. Dropped out at 1005 w/QRM getting the upper hand. 
Almost sounded like it signed off.  Not too bad of a signal before
1005.  Been hearing 9525 RRI Jakarta every morning and wonder how the
recent unrest; rioting and mass exodus, is going to affect them. 
(Valko, USA 18 May)

1000- 9565- INDONESIA- RRI JAKARTA 1000-1100 RRI Jakarta,Noted on the
following frequencies: 9565kHz, 9630kHz, and 11760kHz with a man in
Indonesian comments until 1018 then possible NA presented. After that an
other  man gives ID. Best signal on 9565khz. (Bolland, USAs May 16,

1013- 4756.56- PERU-  R. Huanta Dos Mil, *1013-1020, OA NA, brief
instru. mx bridge, then canned ID by M over trumpet fanfare as "R.
Huanta Dos Mil, transmitiendo desde ??  de los Andes.  ?? en los 4755
khz onda corta y 11?0 kcs onda media.  R. Huanta Dos Mil ?? radio ?? ". 
Then into OA campo mx. Poop to fair on this not often hrd freq.  (Valko
USA 16 May)

1026- 9741.6- INDONESIA-  RRI Sorong  1026  Fluttery and barely showing
with occasional squiggles of audio, such as talk by woman or tenor
voiced man. After 1030, very little readable through Paraguay splatter
till that station began to fade down around 1100; audio change at 1200
sounded like characteristic Jakarta relay quality. A couple of weeks
earlier, a faint het had been observed on this exact freq around 2200. 
(Hill, USA May 15)

1105- 17710- CLANDESTINE (Indonesia)- V. of East Timor  1105+  A recent
item originating in BC-DX and relayed by Clandestine Radio Watch says
that this program is aired Mondays and Fridays at *1105-1200*. I checked
throughout this time period on Friday, May 15, but nothing was there. 
(Hil, USA)

1105- 6210- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Marabu, May 16th,  Mx,ID in EG,GM   23332
(Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News May # 2)

1110- 7120- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Flamingo via IRRS May 16th, Mx reagge,ID in
GM   33333 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News May # 2)

1140- 7480- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Marabu via SWRS May 17th Mx,info,ID in GM 
23332 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News May # 2)

1418- 9665- UNID- AWR (?) April 11, 1418 ,  arabic program  , giving
adress in french in France , ID la voix  de la Sperance , 34333
(Liangas, GReece) 

1426- 7125- CROATIA- HRTV , April 11,OM / YL speaking  in croatian with
news (p)  changes with music , not got ID on 1426 , report & Interview
1430 After 1440 with continuous music //9830 om 1445 ( 55555) Signal was
32433 Program on 7185 was diferent (LIangas Greece) 

1452- 7245- SINGAPORE- Warna, April 11 ,1452 , with malay  songs ( a
version ), 32333 strong  QRM from 7240  RAI Int'l (Liangas Greece) 

1500- 15170- SAUDI ARABIA- BSKSA Radio Riyadh, Unidentified site, 
13/05, 15:00 "Le Journal de Radio Riyadh". SINPO 55555 after Voice of
Russia signs off in Urdu. Tnx to tips from Wolfgang Bueschel/Noel Green.
(Schaay, The Netherlands)

1525- 11599.98- SEYCHELLES- FEBA R. in English, (presumed) 1525-1532, M
rel  sermon (mostly unclear), at 1528 strong splash by Kol Israel on
11605 kHz.  P / VP  (Serra, Italy May 18)

1547- 13755- UAE- R. of the UAE  1547  Unlisted freq with "bedtime"
story in Arabic and other Middle Eastern programming; much better on //
13605.  (Hill, May 12)

1619- 13644.9- CLANDESTINE (IRAN)-  V. of Southern Azerbaijan  1619 
Presumed this one with woman talking, Middle Eastern vocal, talk by man;
off at 1630* as per sked. Very poor signal; much too weak to ID
language, but it did sound Turkic.  (Hill, USA May 12)

1632- 7935- CHINA PR- CPBS 1 in Chinese (15 kW), 1632-1639, M and W tlk
over flute mx, mx pause, M W ancmt as usual on CPBS, tlk.  Fair  (Serra,
Italy 5/19)

1638- 12125- GEORGIA- V.o Hope in English 1638-1658, M rel sermon till
1650, mx pause, W ancmt, promos, phone #, QTH,internet WWWeb, ID, rel
song, M ancmt for financial supports, M ID: High adventure world radio
network, other M for brief rel sermon, ancmt and mx pause, tlks, ID (as
before)and QTH: post office box 109, Hereford, England, postal code HR4
9XR (twice)  (QRN slight statics) (Serra, Italy  5/ 22)

1640- 7295- MALAYSIA- RTM Radio 4; Kajang, May 17, 1640-1701, Non stop
easy popmusic (a.o. 2 songs of Celine Dion, including her Titanic
soundtrack hit "My heart will go on" ),  2 tone TS, short tune, male
speaker with news in English. No ID heard, so tentative. 23443
(Veldhuis, The Netherlands)

1642- 11714.86- ALGERIA- R.Algiers in English / Spanish, 1642-1706,
miscellaneous songs, presented by W dj  ( Gipsy King' s song, Hallo
dolly, chant from Lebanon), ancmt and ID for end of EG pgm, M ID, fqy
quote in EG at 1659, strings mx pause into Spanish pgm, with M ID, fqy
quote, address, lcl instl mx, W ancmt, strings mx pause, W ID into M nx.
(QRM splat from  11715) F/P  (Serra, Italy  5/19)

1650- 11900- SOUTH AFRICA- Cannel Africa in French, 1650-1655*, M
African topical nx, (with corresp.s, ID, mx pause), final ancmt and
S/OFF at 1655 (QRM slight splat) (Serra, Italy 5/16)

1656- 15240- SOUTH AFRICA- Channel Africa in English, IS and M ID s, TP
at 1700......(first, strong splat by RAI Roma on 15250, with
birdchirping IS,  then covered by an unid co ch radio at 1700 !) Poor/
Avoid ! (Serra, Italy 5/16)

end part 1
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