[HCDX]: TFW 61 2/2
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[HCDX]: TFW 61 2/2

THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE  - Copyright 1998  Part  2
Year 3 -  Number  61  - Rome,25 May 1998

1704- 11530- LEBANON- V.o.Hope in English 1704-1719, M ancmt and ID, rel
pop songs, Arabic mx pause and m ancmt with ID s: The Voice of Hope,
again rel pop song, brief M rel tlk, ID and fqy quote at 1717, rel pop
song.  Unusual nice signal from Lebanon, may be a new TX ?  (Serra,
Italy 5/16)

1706- 12135- SOUTH AFRICA- TWR Relay  1706  Up from scheduled 12130 in
presumed Swahili; ID in English at 1728 followed by several IS. IDs in
English, French, German, Italian at 1730. Site QTH presumed.  (Hill, USA
May 10)

1722- 9325- KOREA, NORTH- R.Pyongyang in Russian, 1722-1730, (first hrd
on 9324.95 kHz, then shifted on 9325 at 1725), lcl song, M ID: Govorit
Pyongyang, poss political tlk.  Fair  (Serra, Italy 5/16)

1750- 5066- CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC- La Voix du Peuple; Bunia, May
16, 1750-1806:15*, Non stop hi-life music. Sign off in French  and
vernacular. Signal poor to fair and came in very quick. Wonder what
power they use.(Pijpers, The Netherlands)

1752- 3320- SOUTH AFRICA- R. Sondergrense in English 5/23  1752-1804,
pop songs and disco mx (first hrd, Winchester Cathedral song), with M dj
( QRN statics, slow qsb)  F/P (Serra, Italy)

1802- 15430- ISRAEL- Kol Israel Reshet Daled  1802  Unlisted channel for
Arabic service heard with talk, music, seeming actualities at 1830. ID
beginning "Saut u-israyeel min ..." was given at 1900. Weak with deep
fades at first, then improved to fair by 2102 closedown. May replace
scheduled 12140, which wasn't there; also checked listed //s 9815 and
5915, but both those freqs blocked.  (Hill, USA May 12)

1804- 4828- ZIMBABWE- ZBC; Gweru, May 17, 1804-1812, Female speaker with
news in English, "Voice of Zimbabwe" ID, drums, "Zimbabwe Broadcasting
Corporation" ID and timecheck by male in English, followed by male DJ in
vernacular with music in background. 35344 (Veldhuis, The Netherlands)

1818- 11954.7- ANGOLA- Radio Nacional de Angola; Mulenvos, May 17, 1818,
Presumed them, booming in with male talk in Portuguese. SINPO 44444
untill 1830, when VOA signed on on 11955. (Veldhuis, The Netherlands)

1820- 15200- PIRATE EUROPE- Radio Caroline 1820-1830 Noted two
announcers giving address, email address, network followed by canned ID
as Radio Caroline. In between, oldies music. Signal was fair to good.
(Bolland, USA  May 13, 1998)

1836- 6860- SOMALIA- Radio Hargeisa, Hargeisa, 18/058, 18:36, Horn of
Africa flute music, male speaker in vernacular language. At 18.43 UTC
fragment of presumed Somali equivalent of military march, followed by
male speaker, mentioning Somaliland. Koran prayer at 18.55 UTC and
silent at 18.58 UTC. SINPO 24342. No ID heard, but according to log by
M.Vaghjee of Mauritius this would be Radio Hargeisa. Also thanks to Karl
van Rooy who phoned to tell this one could be heard. I previously logged
Radio Hargeisa in May of 1984 on 7120 kHz and in August of 1983 on
11638.5 kHz. (Schaay, The Netherlands )

1856- 5009.56- MADAGASCAR- RTVM in Malagasy, 5/18 1856-1902*, lcl songs,
final M ancmt, Nat Anthem at 1901, brief IS and S/OFF at 1902.  F / P
(Serra, Italy)

1912- 7210- THAILAND- R.Thailand in English 1912-1938, M nx till 1914,
ancmt & px Daily Environment (with corresp.s, interviews, mx breaks,
till 1934 ), W ancmt and ID, mx pause andm m ancmt, ID:  Voice of
Thailand, into feature px abt hi tech.  (QRM slight splat and co ch) F 
(Serra, Italy 5/18)

1932- 12030- RUSSIA- Golos Rossii  1932  In unscheduled Vietnamese till
2027, when silence, then suddenly cut into Spanish in mid-sentence at
2029; "La Voz de Rusia" ID at 2047. Certainly a strange time of day to
be carrying Vietnamese (it's the middle of the night in Vietnam). Maybe
they were relaying V. of Vietnam for Vietnamese living in Europe, or
providing on air feed of Golos Rossii's Vietnamese service to another
relay.(Hill, USA May 12)

1945- 21549.98- CHILE- La Voz Christiana, 1945-2004, Nonstop SP pop like
Rel. mx to 2003 canned ID by M giving QTH, freq, addr, phone, and what
sounded like an Internet addr.  Quite good and steady, easily readable
signal.  Tnx Hans tip stating this has been daily.  Still obviously
testing.  (Valko, USA 15 May)

1955- 5100.05- LIBERIA- R.Liberia in poss English  5/23  1955,  afropop
and pop songs, with M dj, ancmt at 200 (with poss ID), tribal chant with
instl sounds, M tlk  (QRN strong statics, impossible if in EG tlk) Poor
(Serra, Italy)

2138- 3930- PIRATE EUROPE- Laser Hot Hits May 16th ,Rock mx,ID in EG (in
// with 6220)  23222 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News May # 2)

2146- 9280- TAIWAN- WYFR, 20.5 2146  songs with guitar 34233  (Liangas,

2205- 6165- CHAD- Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne;N'Djamena, May 16,
2205-2220, Discussion about ''le cinema Africain'' with summaries on the
state of things in Senegal, Burundi et al. Good signal, despite unID on
co channel.(Pijpers, The Netherlands)

2206- 9830- CHINA PR- CNR 1, 20.5 2206  // 7935OM spkg and music  at
44444 (Liangas, Greece)

2300- 11845 - ENGLAND- R Asia Canada 5/12 2300 subcont mx, anmts, ID
//15165 (Paszkiewicz, USA)

2336- 4855- PERU- Radio La Hora; Cusco, May 11/12, 2336-0007*, All talk
in Spanish with slot for ads in between. Several IDs (after scrutinizing
tape for a second time). Poor, noisy signal, sometimes wiped out by
Utility data bursts or whatever. Sign off with canned ID & romantic
music in background. (Pijpers, The Netherlands)

2336- 4855- PERU- Radio La Hora 2336-0007* All talk in Spanish with a
slot for ads in between. Several IDs, noted after scrutinizing tape a
second time. Poor, noisy signal, sometimes wiped out by Utility data
bursts. Sign off with canned ID (?) against a background of ''romantic''
music. (Pijpers, The Netherlands May 11/12)


CLANDESTINE ETHIOPIA - Radio Rainbow c/o P.O. Box 140104, 53056 Bonn,
Germany Fax: +49-228-612381 Signed by T.Assefa No data letter.
(Bjorn Fransson-Sweden for CRW 004)

CLANDESTINE SUDAN - Voice of Sudan 16 Cameret Court, Lorne Gardens,
London W11 4XX, UK e-mail: < sudanvoice@xxxxxxxx >Full data QSL-diploma
for cassette rr from the London-address after having an e-mail contact
with them before. Also some copies of letters to the UN general
secretary were included. (Bjorn Fransson-Sweden for CRW 004)

CLANDESTINE KURDISTAN - Contact address for Vo Iraqi Kurdistan closed
The Ornsvägen 6C, Sweden address is not in use anymore. (Patrick
Willfoer-Finland May 9 for CRW 004)

CLANDESTINE KURDISTAN - Wrong E-mail address for VotPoK ? An e-mail
letter to VO the People of Kurdistan has been returned. I used the
address, given by Willi Passmann, Germany (pukcnda@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) and it
was obviously not correct. (Bjorn Fransson-Sweden for CRW 004)

CLANDESTINE NIGERIA - Corrected address for Radio Kudirat : The Radio
Kudirat address found in CRI (UDFN, P.O.Box 9663, London SE1 3LZ,
England) has wrong post-code. The correct address is : P.O. Box 9663,
London SE1 3ZD, England. (Johnson-USA via CDX 188 via CRW 004)

GERMANY - 9835 AWR via Jülich, QSL-c (full data), schedule, rr form, v/s
Mrs. E. Gysin-Ruf,  in 22 days for one IRC (rr sent to Box 383 in Forli)
(M.Schoech, Germany)

SOUTH AFRICA - 12130 AWR via Meyerton, QSL-c (full data), schedule,
personal letter, informations, pennat, v/s Mrs. E. Gysin-Ruf, in 22 days
for one IRC (rr sent to box 383 in Forli) (M.Schoech, Germany)

UNITED KINGDOM - 9780 Merlin Network One, QSL-c (no data), text on
computer generated colored qsl cards gives only a general confirmation
for 28 march 1998 (the date of their one year anniversary), but I heard
them on April 09. So perhaps they only have one qsl-card design ?, v/s
not given, in 32 days for one IRC. Address given as Merlin
Communications International Ltd, 724NE Wing, PO Box 76, Strand, London,
WC2B 4PH(M.Schoech, Germany)

VENEZUELA - 5000 YVTO, QSL-c (partial data), large letter and
information brochure about the service of Time Signal Station YVTO and
about used transmitters, v/s Cf. Gregorio Perez Moreno, in 124 days for
a taped report with one IRC, Reply address was given as Estacion
Transmisora YVTO, Apartado Postal 6745, Caracas, Venezuela. E-mail
address was given as dhn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (DHN = Direccion de Hidrografia
y Navegacion), telephone as (02)-484-46-58.  (M.Schoech, Germany)

VIETNAM - 9840 Radio The Voice of Vietnam, QSL-c (full data), only
station pennant and qsl enclosed (as requested by me), v/s not given, in
57 days for one IRC, received an E-mail from VoV already 2 weeks after I
mailed my report telling me, that the report arrived in Hanoi and that
answer will take some time. What a service ! Fax ++84-4-8261122 Tel
++84-4-8255669.  (M.Schoech, Germany)


ARGENTINA - 6060 Radio Nacional, Buenos Aires is currently inactive due
to xter failure. This xter is located at General Pacheco. This news has
just been cfmd by GIB-Argentina. (Nigro-Uruguay, May 13 / GH SW/DX
Report 98-23, May 14)

AUSTRALIA - With effect from 2130 May-18 Radio Australia extended its
broadcasts in Indonesian according to the following schedule: 2130-0000
11695 to East & Central Indonesia, and 15415 to Irian Jaya & Java,
utilising minor lobe radiation. The extended Indonesian broadcasts will
continue until further notice. The increased Indonesian language
transmission has been achieved at the expense of RA broadcasts in
English, Vietnamese and Standard Chinese. (Nigel Holmes, May-19 / EDXP #

BELGIUM - Radio Vlaanderen International has added a new shortwave
frequency of 3995 for its transmissions in French at 1900-1930(Sat/Sun)
and in German at 1930-2000 (Sat/Sun). Mediumwave 1512 kHz remains in
parallel. The new frequency will be used until August-15.(Jan
Nieuwenhuis, May-01 / EDXP # 87)

BRAZIL - R Nova Visao, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, 9530.36 noted
2255 Apr-26, religious pop mx, full ID 2300 with additional "R. Trans
Mundial" mentions. (Jay Novello, Apr-26 / EDXP # 87)

CANADA - [non]. R. Asia Canada heard here with good but not ear-busting
signals on 11845 and 9815 until 2400* May 12, immediately switching at
*0000 to 11925 and 7325, until about 0157* Their website says there is
also a morning transmission at 1000-1400 UT weekdays, but it's vague
about the    frequencies and not heard on any of the above when checked
around 1100 on May 13; and to be continuous from 0400 UT Sat to 0400 UT
Monday. Also says they plan to start SAm service, and they have
something for every continent, even if it is a 170-MHz band transmission
in Australia. During the hour I listened, it was mostly music during the
second half, mostly talk in the first half, with frequent IDs in passing
spoken in English. Just how many Tamil-speakers are there around the
world, especially in Canada and USA, to make this a viable service? It's
another minority-to-minority service, oddity like Vietnam broadcasting
to NAm in Laotian via Russia, i.e. a language which is not native either
to the sending or target country (Glenn Hauser, OK / GH SW/DX Report
98-23, May 14)

COSTA RICA - RFPI's 15049-AM was a bit stronger than 21460 on May 11
after 1800 so I suspect it's now up to full 30 kW power. But is the loss
of USB on 15050 or any other frequency worth it? QSY UT Tue May 12 took
only two minutes from very good 15049 at 0006 until poor and noisy 7385
came up at 0008--this is definitely too early to make the switch,
leaving us with no alternative to 7385 during a lot of summer evening
daylight and T-storm static. May 11 around 1100-1300 I was checking
15050 and was hearing AIR India mostly with music, not too strong, but
any signal at all from  them is a sign of new, improved conditions
(Tashkent was also in until 1228* in English on 17775, 15295!) and if
RFPI had been on the air then, there  would have been a nasty het to
match the one on 7385 with China. RFPI kept 15049-AM on past 0730 UT Thu
May 14, and it was booming in, much better than 7385 would have been
with QRN, hets. Including Continent of Media at 0700, loud and clear.
After 0745 some transmitter breaks happened, and finally off after 0800,
but I really should be sleeping instead. Very successful experiment, and
I hope RFPI will keep it up for summer/ rising sunspot cycle tho on
disturbed dates it may not work. BTW, the only other station on 15050 is
All India Radio, with which RFPI could clash now, in some parts of the
world, and around 0500 there was a barely-detectable het, presumably
from this (Glenn Hauser, OK / GH SW/DX Report 98-23, May 14)

CUBA - RHC's USB frequency to Europe turns out to be 13750, not 13740 as
Coro originally said it would be, //13715 AM around 2100 in English May 
9. Could clash with TIAWR but not on then (Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 941 /
GH SW/DX Report 98-23, May 14)

CYPRUS - Bayrak Radio and TV Corporation: We were supposed to have a new
SW Transmitter by the end of last year but unfortunately the supplier
firm could not fullfill his obligations, we are still experiencing
trouble with the case, therefore we can not predict anything for the
moment. We are trying to get the Bayrak International broadcast on the
Internet nowadays, and hope that you will be able to listen by next
week. Our address is <http://www.emu.edu.tr/~brt> (BRT to Tony Vaughan,
British DX Club via Dave Kenny, May-12 / EDXP # 87)

ECUADOR - On May 9's DX Partyline, Ken MacHarg introduced Allan Graham
as his successor; Graham's voice is familiar from reading various
segments on the show already (Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 941 / GH SW/DX
Report 98-23, May 14)

FRANCE - Wolfgang Bueschel sends a complete frequency sked for RFI
showing that for English at 1200, 15530 is indeed French Guiana, and
//15540 is Moyabi, Gabon (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 941 / GH SW/DX
Report 98-23, May 14)

GERMANY - DW has mailed a questionnaire to subscribers to its
English-language program guide which was cancelled at the beginning of
1998 in favor of program info via Internet only. Now they are offering a
biannual "English Programme" by P-mail to replace the quarterly "tune
in"; people wanting a free subscription must send back a request by June
Report 98-23, May 14)

INDIA - The multiplicity of languages and cultures, both within India
and in the regions abroad to which it broadcasts - makes the task of AIR
external Services quite challenging. The external broadcasting service
is beamed from transmitters at the national capital Delhi, from the
north Indian city of Aligarh, from Dodballapur in the south and from the
coastal region of Goa in western India. The Goa site beams programs
mainly to the Middle East and Persian Gulf, home to hundreds of
thousands of Indian workers and a region where Indian films and culture
have some following among the local population, Delhi and Aligarh have
four target areas each along with a facility for reversing targeted
areas. The Dodballapur site targets additional corners of the world.
Located some 45 km from Bangalore, it houses six 50 kW transmitters.
Spread over an area of 255 hectares, the superpower transmitters make up
one of the largest shortwave complex in the world. On site, 36 antennas
are mounted on 21 towers in eight different directions, controlled by
remote and powered by an electrical substation set up and maintained by
AIR engineers. Programs beamed from these transmitters are received via
satellite from AIR headquarters in Delhi. (Radio World via ABU technical
Review, Jan-Feb 1998, in May 1998 Australasian SW Guide / EDXP # 87)

INDONESIA - RRI Semarang in Central Java was taken over by student
protesters on Friday May-15. Student demands for political reform,
reduced prices for essential goods and a stop to violence, were read
over the air by an announcer at 2.15pm and again at 3.30pm. The
'takeover' proceeded smoothly, with no major damage to the studio
building. Hundreds of security personnel standing by did not intervene.
Also, At the height of the disturbances in Jakarta, four armoured
personnel carriers took up position outside the RRI studios in Jalan
Medan Merdeka Barat. ('Jakarta Post' newspaper reports, May-15, via Matt
Francis / EDXP # 88)

IRAN - VOIRI noted on new 7130 with Farsi 2230-2300, May-10 (Bob Padula
/ EDXP # 87)

KOREA, NORTH - There was in the latest BC-DX a very short notice from
Paniview, that Pyongyang is now on 7505. It's hard to believe that
Pyongyang starts to broadcast in a completely new frequency range (or
were they ever on 7.5 MHz?)... Due to heavy local QRM on my workplace I
couldn't verify this last night, however, there was a carrier on 7505,
so seemingly Pyongyang has indeed realised, that 13790 don't work, and
replaced it by this new frequency. Becomes their frequency selection
flexible? What's up in Pyongyang??! (Kai Ludwig, May-02 / EDXP # 87) 
--- Finally heard Radio Pyongyang at 2115 on new 7505. A really terrible
choice: This outlet provides chiefly a loud 1000 Hz het with China on
7504. Seems they have maintained their equipment, // 9325 had clear
voice modulation. (Kai Ludwig, May-11 / EDXP # 87)

LAOS - Vientienne noted on 6130, fading-in as early as 1030, also for
local morning service *2200-2215, May-19 (Bob Padula/ EDXP # 88)

MONACO [non], CYPRUS [non], FRANCE [non]. R. Monte Carlo, Arabic via
Sackville 0300-0320 on 9755 was rumored to be quitting as of three weeks
ago, but it's still there and the // has changed from 5960 to 6040 (Bill
Westenhaver, RCI, May 13 via Hauser / GH SW/DX Report 98-23, May 14)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Radio Enga: Broadcasts to a population of about
350,000 from Wabag, capital of Enga Province. Station ia located in the
Highlands abut 200m above sea level. Broadcasts are Mondays to Fridays
0645-1400; languages are Pidgin (the national language), Engan (the
local dialect) with some En at times. Scheduled programs cover
education, health, agriculture, religion, and development. Bridging
music is traditional in origin, with popular items also featured. News
items are broadcast hourly relaying the Krai Network. Studio facilities
include the NEVE CoOnsole desk, and an NEC 10 kW HF transmiter, using
2410 SW. Output is via a triadic bi-directional antenna with the poles
directed towards the east and west respectively. The station has a staff
of 13, with five broadcasters (DJ's) who also carry out other tasks
apart from announcing. There is a Manager and his Deputy, one news
reporter, two librarians, one technician and some auxiliary staff. (Mick
Ogrizek, May-09 / EDXP # 87). 

PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Radio West New Britain: Is located at Kimbe, West New
Britain Province, and uses one 10 kW HF transmitter on 3235. Schedule is
1930-2200 and 0700-1200; there are no daytime broadcasts. Station
proposes to cease all SW broadcasts soon, in favour of mediumwave and
VHF-FM. (Mick Ogrizek, May-01 / EDXP # 87)

PHILIPPINES - FEBC noted on new 9810, *2230 Lao, ex listed 9875.
Probably to avoid RFA on 9875 Holzkirchen *2300-0000* Tibetan!!! May-11,
(Bob Padula / EDXP # 87)

PORTUGAL - The hams were hopping Friday night due to a noisy intruder on
14245, extremely distorted broadcast station including music. George
McClintock found it to be //9570, which I then identified as RDP
International. In the 2300-0330 period, the other current scheduled
frequencies are 11770, 11840, 13640 (or maybe testing 13635) and 13760.
None of these work out to be 2A-B mixing products on 14245, so what I
suspect happened was RDP failing miserably to tune up a transmitter on
13 MHz, which is new to them, and where I could not find them at all.
Remains to be seen if this will happen again, or on the same frequency.
But the 14245 blob was not to be heard the next night. Tnx to William R.
Wilkins for the new RDP sked which  just came in (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF
RADIO 941 / GH SW/DX Report 98-23, May 14)

RUSSIA - Radio Maryja in Polish on new 12010, via Samara, fair on May-03
at 0750. Sked is 0500-0715 Mon-Sat and 0600-0800 on Sun. (Matt Francis,
May-03 / EDXP # 87)

SAUDI ARABIA - BSKSA Ridayh noted on new 15275 with Turkish *0400; also
on new 15335 *0400 Somali, strong level. Long path noted 9530 Koran
Program, Ar 0600-0630, all May-10, (Bob Padula / EDXP # 87)

SEYCHELLES - FEBA Radio noted on NF 15540 for Friday-only Tagalog
service to ME, *0958-1100. En segments included, with many commercial
spots for Manila based products, May-15 (Bob Padula / EDXP # 88)

SINGAPORE - The Singapore Minister for Information and the Arts recently
announced that the R. Corporation of Singapore will unveil a new 24-hr
news station in October this year. Plans have also been announced for a
financial news station and an international station which would
broadcast in Fr, Ge, and Ja to serve the foreign communities in
Singapore. The international station would depend on private
sponsorship, as public funds are not considered appropriate for such a
service. There is already a 24-hr newsroom, and the Minister was
responding in parliament to a question on whether the government had
plans to provide more radio services to enhance Singapore's position as
an international financial centre. (From Straits Times, abridged, Bob
Padula / EDXP # 88)

TIMOR EAST - [non]. The East Timor International Support Group in
Darwin, Australia, plans to build a station called R. Free East Timor,
to broadcast  1 hour a day in Tetum, Bahasa Indonesia; and to link up
with Indonesian pro-democracy movement; RealAudio too. See <
http://www.easttimor.com > (Clandestine Radio Watch via Bill Matthews,
TIAWR Wavescan May 11 via Hauser / GH SW/DX Report 98-23, May 14) Hope
this isn't a put -on, too. Why build a station for such little airtime?
Would make a lot more sense to rent time somewhere. BTW, Timor dissident
and Nobel Prize Recipient Jose Horta was profiled on a recent This
American Life on PRI--his dream is to be the Howard Stern of Timor
(Glenn Hauser / GH SW/DX Report 98-23, May 14)


Join me for the latest tuning tips for the South Pacific on Radio New
Zealand International during "Mailbox", fortnightly broadcasts, Monday
0430z on 17675kHz and 1130z on 9795kHz (6100kHz from May 3rd), repeated
the following Thursday 0830z on 9795kHz (6100kHz from May 3rd) and
Friday at 1930z on 11735kHz (9875kHz from May 3rd). Next Broadcasts: May
25th, repeated on following days as above. And on AWR's "Wavescan"
commencing the third Sunday of the month (see < http://www.awr.org > for
frequency schedule), repeated at 0700z on ZLXA Print Disabled Radio the
first Monday of the month, on 1602kHz, 3935kHz and 5960kHz alternate
7290kHz.  (Paul Ormandy, New Zealand)

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