[HCDX]: LOGS ( Retziki) + corection QSL
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[HCDX]: LOGS ( Retziki) + corection QSL

RETZIKI : Low propagation  and strong lightnings ; Indonesia on 31 mb was not 
receoved. ONly on 4925 the RRI Jambi 

Radio :SONY 7600 D,  ATU and 6 m ALUMINUM  wire 

TAIWAN 3335 CBS 2108 , 24.5, OM and YL discussions  with add in advertisemsnts 
33233 Liangas Greece 

S AFRICA 3255 BBC AfS, 2110, 24.5,  OM  speaking abt casinos 34333 Liangas 

BRAZIL 9675 R Cancao Nova , 2131 , 24.5 , spiritual themes in PO and English ! 
, 44433 Liangas Greece 

UK (pirate) , 6295 , Reflexions Europe , 2216 , religious program ( changing of 
life) 34333 Liangas Greece 

BRAZIL 4985 R Brazil , 2237, 24.5 , sports program in PO , 24232 Liangas Greece 

USA ? 15130 WYFR  with IS 2145 , 24.5  23232 

---House ( centre of city) --
GEORGIA ? 15375 WWCR 1211 26.5 OM giving adress in USA  then spiritual program 
WWCR checked on 25.5 signal was 555555//15715 At 1313 15715 was off 
Liangas Greece 

cland 13820 ,V of Democratic Burma ,1317 , 26.5 , YL with speakings in BU refs 
to Asia and Indonesia OM  continued on 1325 after  short song break . ON 1331 
in different idiom  that seemed to tai 24432 faded down on 35 Checked //15330  
at 44444  Liangas Greece 

INDONESIA 15125  RRI JAkarta #1 1349  26.5 marginally heard as max 22422 with 
song Liangas Greece 

A correction on the QSL 
QSL :  National Democratic Alliance - V of Sudan with award diploma QSL on
a  A4  paper  computer made 
s/g Abdulahi F Mohdi - NDA SG Office director. 
Adress : 16 Cameret Court Lorne Gardens  London W11 4 XX 
tel: 1344 874123 fax 628077 

Fequency was  8000  kHz on 3.5 
MY letter sent via email on 11-5 .  reply letter received 21-5 

Thanks CRW  and Cland R Intel for the information 

"  'addicted' AM-HCDXers never listen to FMSS!"
Good HCDX is also listening to 1xxx1 stations 
Zacharias Liangas
pen-DX sejak 72
anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, DSWCI #3507(temporarily out) 
http://www.compulink.gr/Users/zliangas  SHORTED !
http://www.clandjop.com/~jcruzan/greek-p.html  (mirrored for greek pirate radio )
http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/lot/2638   NEW NEW 
pesawat penerima : Lowe HF 150 , SONY IFC 7600 D , Philips 2935 antena 6 m & 11 m 
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