Re: [HCDX]: WANTED: 1300 KKOL address
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Re: [HCDX]: WANTED: 1300 KKOL address
Hi Patrick!
>One of my friends got a report to KKOL back, as the address has changed.
>anyone know this new address, and he was also looking for a v/s to it.
KKOL is the new callsign of KMPS. They belong to the "Inspiration Radio
Group" now, this group is running KGNW 820, KKOL 1300 and KLFE 1590 plus a
new station in Seattle on 1680. Their Chief Engineer is Richard B. Harris,
K7VCD, he is very DXer-friendly. I recently got a very nice long QSL-letter
for KLFE 1590 from him. (heard in Denmark).You can reach him at Suite 550,
2815 Second Ave., Seattle, WA 98121. And via email, dharris@xxxxxxxx
Good Luck!
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