[HCDX]: Some logs from Madrid.
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[HCDX]: Some logs from Madrid.

Hi folks,

not so much these days here (except the continous storm we're suffering!)
But between thunders...


4003,21  22.39  RRI-Padang, female talk. Song of the Coconuts Is. at 22.59;
                at 23.29 local IS and news. SUFF.
3976,04  22.50  RRI-Pontianak, weak signal but Coconuts's theme heard at
                22.59 // Padang.
4925,03  23.11  RRI-Jambi, news from Jakarta, strong signal. VGOOD.
4902     23.45  SLBC, tamil mx. SUFF.


1660     01.20  t.WJDM, weak signal. Strong QSB.
1670     01.24  WNML, weak. Better after 0200. At 02.20 ID mention of
                "...16-70 AM...96..Sports Animal".
1700     01.35  WCMQ, salsa music. INSUFF


Mauricio Molano
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