[HCDX]: Fw: [mwc] 98 Radio France.
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[HCDX]: Fw: [mwc] 98 Radio France.

Van: R.Friess <rfriess@xxxxxxxxx>
Aan: mwc@xxxxxxxxxxx
Onderwerp: [mwc] 98 Radio France.
Datum: woensdag 3 juni 1998 21:52

Hi everyone,

98 Radio France, the special station for the World Cup, will be launched
next tuesday at 0630 UTC.

Contrary to what had been previously announced, it will not only be carried
on 162 kHz longwave (2000 kW) but also via the specially reactivated
Marseille transmitter on MW 675 kHz (600 kW).

The station is to broadcast live reports (in French) of all the games and
all sorts of programmes related to the event. 

The exact schedule has not yet been made public but there will be a number
of programmes in foreign languages, including English.

More soon,

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