[HCDX]: TFW 62 1/2
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[HCDX]: TFW 62 1/2

THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE  - Copyright 1998  Part  1
Year 3 -  Number  62  - Rome,7 June 1998
QTH: xxxxxxxx
PHONE:  xxxxxxx
FAX: +39 6 5126262
E-MAIL: g.serra@xxxxxx
The Four Winds on Line  - Copyright 1998 - Newsletter edited by 
Giovanni Serra, Rome - Italy.

                             TFW on Line Policy
1) TFW on Line covers only the SW Broadcasting  Specrum.
2) Subscription rate:  as a non  commercial newsletter, 
    there is no fee to subscribe TFW on Line.
3) TFW on Line is distributed to Individuals, DX Editors,
    Clubs and Organizations, asking for the reciprocal exchange of  
    DX Bulletins and / or contributions.
4) Excerpts may be reprinted,translated, e-mailed and / or 
    transmitted with appropriate credit, unless Copyright indicated.
5) Not to be redistributed or reposted without permission.
6) Suggestions and ideas are welcome. 
7) If you no longer wish to receive TFW on Line  please, 
    drop me a line.   
loggings in order of  time;  frequencies in kHz;  times UTC;  
ham codes as usual;  Reporting  signal quality: Loc  = local 
signal; E = excellent; G = good;  F = fair; P = poor; 
VP = very poor;  A = avoid.  (also in SINPO or SIO code)

EDITOR - No good propagation on this period; also, it is no good idea
for DX ing at home, cause summertime temperature here in Roma during
daylight (abt 100 and more Fahrenheit !!!). I prefer to be on vacation
on the beach from  6 till 14 June. Thanks for continuing to support TFW
On Line.  73,  Gianni


HORACIO A. NIGRO - An interesting article in "Ham Radio Online" refers
to: High Speed Internet System Creating HF Interference. There is a link
to  the New Scientist, 29 May 1998, which reports about U.K. electric
power companies that are providing 1 Mbps Internet data service using
ordinary power lines. "But there is a big problem - the technology
creates   severe HF interference. (While the same technology could be
deployed in the U.S., it is unlikely due to differences in the
electrical power grid that make U.S. deployment very expensive.
However,some home computer network technologies operate by signals in
the 4 to 10 MHz range on internal house wiring - and based on our
testing, these systems are extremely susceptible to interference caused
by low power transmissions on 3.5 and 7 MHZ.   They also radiate
broadband noise as unlicensed Part 15 devices...)". ("Ham Radio Online"
at www.hamradio-online.com via Nigro-Uruguay, Jun 5)

Thank you  for all our Contributors !

AL QUAGLIERI ( AQ ), Albany, NY, USA for NASWA LN, via e - mail    RX: 
Drake R8A    ANT:  an extended Zepp antenna <
http://www.albany.net/~alcue/ >
BOB HILL, Littleton, MA, USA for DX Report   via e-mail   RX: Sony
ICF-2010 with Kiwa filters  - an old Radio West ferrite loop ANT: a
dipole about 75 meters long and about 12 meters high
BOB PADULA,Surrey Hills,Victoria,Australia for EDXP #89 #90 via e-mail <
http://members.tripod.com/~bpadula/edxp.html ><
http://members.tripod.com/~bpadula/padulabooks.html >
BRUNO PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy  for Radiorama Pirate News May
# 3 & # 4  via e - mail    RX: Kenwood R5000, Lowe HF150 ANT.: Yaesu
FRT7700, Daiwa AF606K, longwire 15 mt  < 
http://www.arpnet.it/~air/welcome.htm > <  http://www.radiorama.it >
CHARLES BOLLAND, Lake Worth FL, USA  via e-mail  RX: NRD535D and
NRD525    ANT.: Longwire
DAVID  J. VALKO,  USA for DX News via e-mail   RX: JRC NRD-535D -
Collins R-388     ANT.: 33 meter (NE-SW) Longwire "T"
ERIC BUENEMAN, Hazelwood, MO, USA via e-mail RX: Sangean ATS-803A ANT:
MFJ-1778 G5RV < http://members.aol.com/n0uiheric/k-index.htm >
GIOVANNI  SERRA, Roma, Italy (ed.)   RX:  JRC NRD 525     ANT:  Alpha
Delta DX SWL-S Sloper  (40 feet) ;  JPS NIR 10 filter and Oregon
Scientific clock, tuned  with the standard frequency station DCF 77 in
Mainflingen, Germany on 77.5 kHz.
GLENN HAUSER (GH), Enid OK, USA for GH SW/DX Report 98-24, May 28, 1998,
& 98-25, June 4 1998, via e-mail < http://www.hotmail.com ><
http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio >
HORACIO A. NIGRO, Montevideo, Uruguay  via e-mail   RX: Grundig YB400  
ANT.:   randomwire 25m long 
JUICHI YAMADA, Chiba, Japan    for Jembatan DX  #  47  via e-mail   RX: 
NRD-525  - AR7030     ANT:   AN-1
MARTIN SCHOECH, Merseburg, Germany for Clandestine Radio Watch (CRW) ,
via e-mail RX: Sony ICF 2001D ANT: Sony AN 1 (active telescopic antenna)
< http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/2594/ >
MICHIEL SCHAAY,  Doorn, The Netherlands  via e-mail   RX: AOR AR7030  
ANT.: RF-Systems T2FD and MK1
NICOLAS ERAMO, Buenos Aires, Argentina  via e-mail    RX: SONY ICF 7600 
ANT.: Longwire antenna 15 mts. RX:  SONY ICF SW 7600G   ANT.. V inverted
antenna 20 mts
PAUL ORMANDY, Oamaru, New Zealand via e-mail       RX: Drake SPR-4     
ANT: from home 2 x 25 metre dipoles in a V -  from Waianakarua, 3 x 300m
Beverages aimed at the USA, 1 x 450 metre aimed at South America and 1 x
300m aimed at Hawaii/Alaska.
PEDRO ARRUNATEGUI, Lima, Peru   for Chasqui DX  #  122 via e-mail    RX:
Icom IC-R 71 E    ANT:   42 meters dipole
PIET PIJPERS, Alphen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands  via e-mail    RX: Lowe
HF225E     ANT.:   20 meters longwire.
RADIO COCHIGUAZ,  South America, via e-mail
ZACHARIAS LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece via e-mail   RX:  Lowe HF 150 -
Philips 2935 - Sony ICF 7600 D   ANT:  6 meters sloper  ATU hand made -
11 m hor ( for 40 m - 60 m ) - 6 m antenna tilted upward MFJ 16010 ATU
MFJ 1040 b preselector MFJ 1025 antenna shadow <
http://www.compulink.gr/Users/zliangas >  SHORTED ! <
http://www.clandjop.com/~jcruzan/greek-p.html >  (mirrored for greek
pirate radio )

Copyright Notice: Republication of  EDXP information by groups and
individuals who do not receive it directly is not permitted

SW TIPS    (TIME - Freq. - Country)

0010- 4552.3- BOLIVIA- R. Radiodifusora Trópico, Trinidad; 21/05
0010-0030 22222 nx ID "Son las 8.20 en su radio difusora Trópico.." px
sobre los indígenas del Beni. (Arrunategui, Peru/Chasqui DX 122)

0013- 6085.2- BOLIVIA- Radio San Gabriel, La Paz, SINPO 33333
Aymara/Spanish (only adversitments and the ID) Man and Female announcer,
Andean Music, religious Program ID " La Voz del pueblo Aymara" 0013 /
0055, June 1, 1998 (Eramo, Argentina)

0034- 4904.8- PERU- R. LA OROYA, LA OROYA; 21/05 0034-0110 33333 nx
deportivas px Panorama deportivo ID "Siempre por Radio La Oroya.."
(Arrunategui, Peru/Chasqui DX 122)

0055- 4935- PERU- R, Tropical, Tarapoto, San Martín; 22/05 0055 0120
44444 px El festival tropicalizando mx chicha ID "Como siempre, en la
linda compañía de Radio Tropical en la onda corta en la banda tropical
de 60 metros.." (Arrunategui, Peru/Chasqui DX 122)

0127- 4915- BRAZIL- Radio Anhanguera; Goiania, June 1, 0127-0202, News
items in Portuguese with jingles ("CBN Anhanguera''), slogans (''CBN,
muito total!") and canned station ID at topeth. Signal poor to fair.
(Pijpers, The Netherlands)

0130- 6220.6- ALBANIA- Radio Tirana was observed in this frequency in
english program with news on the following days June 1 and June 2 with
poor modulation from 0130 to 0145 UTC SINPO 24322 (Eramo, Argentina)

0150- 6479.72- PERU- R. Altura, 0150-0206, Mostly tlk by M from t/in to
0158 w/ments of Huarmaca, Peru, and what sounded like many simple
"Altura" Ids, gave a freq in khz, and had comunicados.  Some rustic OA
folk mx then w/occas. voice overs by M.  ID at 0201, and 0203.  Many TCs
too.  Was best in LSB until CW stns came on at 0203.  Fairly weak. 
(Valko, USA, 30 May)

0207- 15485- PAKISTAN- R. Pakistan  0207  Urdu broadcast continuing past
scheduled 0215 s/off; gave ID at 0216 and finally ended transmission at
0225. Several iterations of IS till 0230, when presumably went into
English; although it was impossible to tell for sure, as the signal
deteriorated very quickly and was unreadable by 0230. (Hill, USA May 23)

0215- 5985- TANZANIA- Radio Tanzania; Dar es Salaam, May 31, 0215-0235,
Hi life music with announcements by woman in Swahili. Strong
interference 5980 and some by unID on co channel, but merry sounds of
string instruments clearly audible over hubbub. Parallel to a strong
5050. (Pijpers, The Netherlands)

0231- 6115- PERU- Radio Union, Lima Spanish, Musical Program, Man
announcer Latin American music" ID " Exitos en Union la Radio" SINPO
23332, 0231 / 0247 June 1, 1998 (Eramo, Argentina)

0240- 6725.5- PERU- Radio Satelite, Santa Cruz, 02.40 - 02.49 Spanish,
Man Announcer, Latin Music, Religious Program, check time " Nueve con
cuarenta y siete minutos" ID " Oyentes amigos..........gracias por
confiar en Radio Satelite....transmitimos desde Santa Cruz.." SINPO
34333, (Eramo, Argentina, May 30, 1998)

0245- 4820- BOTSWANA- Radio Botswana; Sebele, May 31, *0245-0310, Sign
on with interval signal lasting 14 minutes: cowbells and an imitation of
farm animals followed by National Anthem at 0259:20. ID by male in
Setswana giving FM, SW & MW frequencies with numerals in English. More
talk in vernacular with music bed, tribal type singing and then into
some soulful stuff. Poor to fair. (Pijpers, The Netherlands)

0245- 4795- BRAZIL- Radio Difusora; Aquidauana, May 30, 0245-0310,
Attractive, slow moving fronteer music (Bolivia?), seldom heard. Canned
ID with ''...do Brasil'', Bolivia & ''Super Tupi'' Ids noted. After 0300
Concertos by J.S. Bach. Weak signal. (Pijpers, The Netherlands)

0247- 5010.32- ECUADOR- Radiofonicas Populares, 0247-0301*, Nice lcl HC
vcl mx, W anncr once, and long complete ID anmnt by alternating M and W
at 0257, one more song, then off.  Clear until Madagascar 5009.63 het
came on at 0251. Tought QRN too.  Not hrd since.  (Valko, USA, 26 May)

0250- 3281-  MOZAMBIQUE- Emissao Provincial de Sofala; Beira, May 29,
*(0250)0255-0306, Sign on with National Anthem, although tapeloop was
already running at 0254. Announcements by woman in unID language,
interval signal and a (presumed) newsbulletin in Portuguese with
''Emissao Provincial'' noted. Local music followed, while weak signal
was fading.(Pijpers, The Netherlands)

0317- 6105- BRAZIL- Radio Cultura, Foz do Iguaçu, Portuguese, Man
Announcer, Musical Program, ID "Voce esta em la simtonia da Radio
Cultura" 0317 / 0320 May 31, 1998, (Eramo, Argentina)

0340- 5040- ECUADOR- Voz del Upano; Macas, June 1, 0340-0446*,
Presidential and parliamentary elections on this seldom heard station.
Weak to poor signal coming to *life* way after dawn. Not too much
pointers with many unknown names mentioned: old friend Bucaram aka ''el
loco'' was one of them and seems to be on friendly terms with one of the
candidates, banana-tycoon Noboa. Finally a very clear ID was given.
(Pijpers, The Netherlands)

0359- 4755- BRAZIL- R. Eduçao Rural, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso,
Portuguese, Man announcer, Music S/off  03.59 / 04.00* ID "Final da
programa....manhana estaremos da volta...a Radio Eduçao Rural....Mato
Grosso do sul....onda tropical...4755  KHz...........a todos Bom Dia"
SINPO 34443 (Eramo, Argentina, May 30, 1998)

0416- 4914.6- PERU-  Radio Cora, Lima, Spanish, Musical Program, Man
Announcer, Comments about english musician, Advertsiments ID " Yo soy
Cora" "Amigos de Cora bienvenidos a esta cita con musica Argentina"
(Program Dulces Encuentros) 04.16 / 04.30 SINPO 34333 (Eramo, Argentina,
May 30, 1998)

0432- 5025- CUBA- Radio Rebelde, La Habana Spanish, Man and female
announcer,program Rebelde Dx, Comments about TV programs "Gracias por
estar en la compania de Rebelde DX"  04.32 / 04.35 SINPO 33333 (Eramo,
Argentina, May 30, 1998)

0525- 6220- PIRATE EUROPE- Laser Hot Hits,  31/5, Pop mx,ID in English 
23332 (Pecolatto, Italy /Radiorama Pirate News May # 4)

0529- 16000- AUSTRALIA- VNG time station, 0529, Time ticks, time anmnt
by W, then full ID anmnt by M.  Quite strong and steady.  (Valko, USA,
29 May)

0845- 6005- JAPAN- NHK Sapporo, 0845, Home Service relay in USB, sounded
like drama. Fr  signal. (Ormandy, New Zealand, May 21)

0856- 6085- BOLIVIA- R San Gabriel, 0856, sign on in Spanish with brief
announcement then music and into presumed Aymara. Fair signal despite
splash from RA 6080. (Ormandy, New Zealand, May 21)

0900- 6065- JAPAN- BBC Yamata, 0900, fading up with World Service in
English, news etc. (Ormandy, New Zealand, May 21)

0935- 4505.09- PERU- Radio Horizonte 0935-0945 Noted man in a speech of
some sort with applause. Seemed to be recorded. Signal was fair.
(Bolland., USA, May 30, 1998)

0943- 3200.4- BOLIVIA- Emisora 9 De April, Tentative 0943-0955 Noted a
threshold signal here. Very weak but could just make out music. No other
details. (Bolland,  USA, May 30, 1998)

0958- 9610.05- TAIWAN- BCC Taiwan: CC; 0958 W ends breezy tlk pgm, mx
up, 1000 1 beep, theme mx, M ID ending w/ "(Kinjoy??) kuangpo hsinwen
wang," into nx. Fair-good, some flutter. (27 May/Quaglieri NY USA)

1000- 4904.72- PERU- Radio La Oroya 1000-1010 Sine on at 1000, but not
audible until 1004 with comments and some music. Signal was threshold.
(Bolland, USA, May 28, 1998)

1013- 6188.06- PERU- Radio Oriente 1013-1020 Not that strong, but noted
man in Spanish comments with Huaynos music. Signal was continually
fading in and out. (Bolland, USA, May 28, 1998)

1016- 13595.11- USA- WJCR (p) noted here w/nonstop country music @1016,
by recheck @1820 had drifted down to 13595.09. Doesn't FCC require tight
freq regulation? (27 May/Quaglieri NY USA)

1019- 11634.97- PHILIPPINES- FEBC: EE; 1019 W religious pgm w/talk & mx,
1930 full ID, short nxcast. Weak-noisy. (27 May/Quaglieri NY USA)

1040- 4918- ECUADOR- R. Quito, Quito; 19/05 1040-1105 33333 advs
políticos, candidatos a la presidencia px Ecuador Radio en su primera
edición ID "Radio Quito, la voz de la capital, presentooo.."
(Arrunategui, Peru/Chasqui DX 122)

1100- 7120- PIRATE EUROPE- Southern Music R., May 23, Mx, ID,QTH in
English 23332  (Pecolatto, Italy /Radiorama Pirate News May # 3)

1109- 7120- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Marabu via IRRS, 30/5, Mx,ID in German 
43333 (Pecolatto, Italy /Radiorama Pirate News May # 4)

1140- 6232- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Nordsee Int,  31/5, Pop-rock mx,ID in
German, jingles 23332 (Pecolatto, Italy /Radiorama Pirate News May # 4)

1150- 6300- PIRATE EUROPE- Farmers from Holland , 31/5, Mx folk dance,ID
in Dutch 23332 (Pecolatto, Italy /Radiorama Pirate News May # 4)

1205- 7120- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Blast Off via IRRS, 30/5,  Mx rock,ID in
German 33333 (Pecolatto, Italy /Radiorama Pirate News May # 4)

1315- 7120- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Marabu via IRRS,  31/5,  Mx,ID in German 
33333 (Pecolatto, Italy /Radiorama Pirate News May # 4)

1317- 13820- CLANDESTINE- V of Democratic Burma ,1317 , 26.5 , YL with
speakings in BU refs to Asia and Indonesia OM  continued at 1325 after
short song break . At 1331 in different idiom  that seemed to tai 24432
faded down on 35 Checked //15330  at 44444  (Liangas Greece) 

1320- 6220- PIRATE EUROPE- Laser Hot Hits, 23 May,  Pop rock mx,ID in
English  23332  (Pecolatto, Italy /Radiorama Pirate News May # 3)

1327- 6955- PIRATE EUROPE- Q103(?) (in LSB) 23 May, Mx ...(QSA
unusable!)  12221  (Pecolatto, Italy /Radiorama Pirate News May # 3)

1349- 15125- INDONESIA- RRI JAkarta #1 1349  26.5 marginally heard as
max 22422 with song (Liangas Greece) 

1350- 6293.5- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Blue Star, May 23,  Folk mx,phone,ID in
Dutch  33333  (Pecolatto, Italy /Radiorama Pirate News May # 3)

1403- 7120- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Blast Off via IRRS,  31/5,  Mx rock,ID in
German  33333 (Pecolatto, Italy /Radiorama Pirate News May # 4)

1602- 11690- JORDAN- R. Jordan in English, 1602-1613, W nx till 1611,
with ID, TC at 1604:54, wrp, ID s, ancmt, pop mx. F (Serra, Italy June

1615- 7995.54- CLANDESTINE- V.o.Sudan in Arabic 1615-1620, M M tlks,
poss W tlk, poss ID (QRN statics) F/P (Serra, Italy June 2)

1706- 12135- SOUTH AFRICA- AWR  1706  Re my May 10 item, I inadvertently
typed TWR instead of AWR, the correct ID. Thanks to the ever vigilant
Tony Jones for catching this; sorry for any confusion.  (Hill, USA )

1707- 15400- ASCENSION ISL- BBC for Africa in English, 1707-1713, //
17830  11860  6190, pgm:  Focun on Africa.  Fair (Serra, Italy June 1)

1719- 4039.93- RUSSIA- Evenkiyskaiya, Tura, Siberia (5 kW) (pres.) in
pres Russian, June 1, 1719-1744, M tlk, W ancmt at 1720, pop songs (La
vie en rose etc.) atl with ancmts (px as russian radios style) Poor
(Serra, Italy)

1847- 5036- CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC- Radiodiffusion TV Centrafricaine;
Bangui, May 27, 1847-1903, Hard to copy signal of male making
announcements in French, one for a music festival (''Internationale'')
with timepips at 1900, ignored until a somewhat absent minded OM gave
the time. ID noted,sounding like ''Centr'africaine, Bangui''. Weak to
poor. (Pijpers, The Netherlands)

1850- 5009.5- MADAGASCAR- Radio Madagasikara; Antananarivo, May 28,
1850-1902:30*, Dullish kind of local music with short announcement in
vernacular & National Anthem when signing off. Poor signal. (Pijpers,
The Netherlands)

1905- 4085- CLANDESTINE- V.o.Iraqi Kurdistan in Arabic/Kurdish, June 3 
1905-1928*, M tlk for poss nx till 1910:38, mx pauses and tlk ment
Kurdistan, lcl chant at 1918, M ancmt and ID in Kurdish at 1924,
patriotic chant and S/OFF at 1928.  (hrd in usb to avoid rtty, QRN
statics) F/P (Serra, Italy)

1932- 12030- RUSSIA- Golos Rossii  1932  Re. my recent item about
Vietnamese on this freq till 2027, Wolfgang Bueschel explains that it
was an inadvertent relay of V. of Vietnam to Western Europe, most likely
the result of a switching error in the satellite feeder circuit. This
transmitter is used for Spanish (La Voz de Rusia) later in the evening,
which would explain the sudden changeover to that broadcast at 2029. He
adds that in the wake of the Eastern Bloc collapse, some 150,000
Vietnamese nationals are still stranded in France and the former East
Germany because the government of Vietnam refuses to repatriate them. 
(Hill, USA )

1941- 4059.99- CLANDESTINE- V.o.People of Kurdistan in Kurdish June 1 
1941-1950, M tlk, ID at 1946: aira dangi gelli kurdistana, ancmts and
mx, other M tlk, lcl chant. Fair (Serra, Italy) 

2000- 15149.82- INDONESIA- V.o.Indonesia in English, 2000-2012, W ancmt,
ID, fqy quote, mx, nx till 2009, mx pause, W ID, ancmt, politic cmntry,
ID by W & M, mx pause (QRM R.Canada Int in EG on 15150 ) Poor (Serra,
Italy June 1)

2047- 7085- ERITREA- V. of the Broad Masses of Eritrea  2047  Running
way beyond normal 1800 s/off time with Horn of Africa vocals and lengthy
drum intervals that might have been accompanying a parade or some other
ceremony. No speech heard till 2231, when brief vernacular announcement
by woman and man, then left the air. Extremely faint at first, then
built to decent level by 2200 or so. Extended sked most likely in
observance of the 5th anniversary of Eritrea's independence from
Ethiopia (5/24/93).  (Hill, USA May 23)

2105- 5025- BENIN- ORTB; Parakou, May 31, 2105-2305, Stone cold sober
sounding male in vernacular mentioning Benin & Parakou.One very fierce
sounding ethnic song was heard. A switch to French at 2130 with a
radioplay. Slight interference by unID at this time, maybe Australia.
Signal poor to fair. (Pijpers, The Netherlands)

2108- 3335- TAIWAN- CBS 2108 , 24.5, OM and YL discussions  with add in
advertisemsnts 33233 (Liangas Greece) 

2110- 3255- SOUTH AFRICA- BBC AfS, 2110, 24.5,  OM  speaking abt casinos
34333 (Liangas Greece) 

2131- 9675- BRAZIL-  R Cancao Nova , 2131 , 24.5 , spiritual themes in
PO and English ! , 44433 (Liangas Greece) 

2138- 3930- PIRATE EUROPE- Laser Hot Hits 30/5, Pop-dance mx,ID in
English (in // with 6220)    33222 (Pecolatto, Italy /Radiorama Pirate
News May # 4)

2139- 6220- PIRATE EUROPE- Laser Hot Hits 30/5, Pop dance mx,ID in
English (in // with 3930)    33333 (Pecolatto, Italy /Radiorama Pirate
News  May # 4)

2149- 3930- PIRATE EUROPE- Laser Hot Hits, 23 May,  Pop mx,ID in English
(in // with 6220) 33222 (Pecolatto, Italy /Radiorama Pirate News May #

2216- 6295- PIRATE EUROPE- Reflexions Europe , 2216 , religious program
( changing of life) 34333 (Liangas Greece) 

2237- 4985- BRAZIL- R Brasil Central , 2237, 24.5 , sports program in PT
, 24232 (Liangas Greece) 

End of Part  1
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