Re: [HCDX]: Radio Disney-1690 kHz
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Re: [HCDX]: Radio Disney-1690 kHz

Werner Funkenhauser wrote:
> Folks,
> Any ideas who is on 1690 kHz with R. Disney programming (as I write this
> June 7, at 0130 EDT)?
> Heard from 0050 with legitimate Disney programming -- including cuts
> from the 50s movie Peter Pan (We can fly...) and the 5 crows sketch (I
> done seen about everything when I seen an elephant fly...). In between,
> Buddy Holly, The Everly Brothers, The Spice Girls, and some schmaltzy
> love songs. Several jingles as "AM 56! Radio Disney".
> Good signal, as good as WBAH-1660 and WNML-1670 (both fairly strong) in
> Guelph, ON, though with considerable QRN. Best signal on an Icom R71A
> with a Kiwa loop aimed E/W.
> --
> Regards,
> Werner Funkenhauser


Also heard here at 0400 UTC June 7, but too weak and too much QRN to 
catch any slogans.  Latest AMDX Newsflash says KQXI-1550 has changed to 
Radio Disney, so perhaps KAYK, but don't know about the 'AM 56'.

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