[HCDX]: DX Tip
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[HCDX]: DX Tip
I received the following message from New Zealand DXer Ian Julian. Feel
free to use ot on Web pages, DX programs, other mail lists, or
<<Here's a chance to log the University of the South Pacific (USP) in
Came up on 12140 USB this morning around 2115 UTC. With YL calling
Solomon Islands & Tonga. Talked about E-mail Msgs, setting up log book,
courses for the economics & science classes, students, academic meetings
& exam results etc. Said they would come up at 0200 UTC with their next
sked. (Usually all the USP comms is satellite linked these days,with HF
used for backup purposes. Looks like their satellite systems having a
few problems.)>>
J.D. Stephens - Madison, AL
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