Re: [HCDX]: Re: 7 days before wedding
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Re: [HCDX]: Re: 7 days before wedding
> There's NOTHING wrong with taking a radio along on a honeymoon ... it's
> important to know when to stop listening to the radio and start paying
> attention to your mate however!
This is getting way off topic... but my honeymoon happened to be June 12th
1982 and now 16 years later, we're watching the World Cup Soccer again!
Only last time we were in the high country and watched from the comfort of
our beds as the temperature went 15 deg. below! It was even too cold to DX!
In fact, I ran an aerial up a hill from where we were staying and did log
CHLO 1570 one night, only it was so cold when we left that I didn't even
take the aerial down... it's still there as far as I know!
73s Paul
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