[HCDX]: Hauser's SW/DX July 4
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[HCDX]: Hauser's SW/DX July 4


AUSTRALIA. RA's Feedback mailbag show with Roger Broadbent is 
once again easy to hear thanks to the revival of 21740, UT Sat at
0005-0030. On July 4, Nigel Holmes explained some last-minute
changes to the frequency schedule we publicized which was to go
into effect June 29. Due to VOA which started using 9770 recently
instead of 5985, RA can't use 9770 at 0800-1200 but instead 
resumes 9580, and on a less favorable beam for NAm than used on
9580 after 1200. Due to "bureaucratic swamp"(?), 21820 can't be
used at 0200-0900 to PNG, so on 21725 instead. The 17715 at 2100-
0900 for SPac now cuts away for sports, Grandstand, Sat & Sun
0200-0800, along with some lower frequencies. July 4 at 1224 we 
noted RA on 9660 //9580, not bad and probably 100 kW rather than 
Brandon 10 kW; not scheduled at this hour in the June 28th 
version; and 9580 was still very good at 1500 check (Hauser, OK)

CANADA [non]. I reported previously that R. Voice of Canada was
not using 15560 in the 2000 hour, and on that occasion it was
not on when I tuned in around 2056 but came on at 2102; however
subsequently it was heard when checked around 2015, but in Tamil,
not English as in the Sellers article. On July 3, Sellers' 
interviewee, P. Koneswaran identified himself as the newscaster
in English we hear at 2100, as he concluded English at 2133 
(Glenn Hauser, OK)

COSTA RICA. Due to an interference complaint from the Tasmanian
government about a PTP operation using 6980, which says RFPI
is very strong there in the 0400-0700 UT period, RFPI will be
moving this week to another frequency in the 6875-7000 range,
preferably above 6920 as the antenna resonates best at about
6960. Listeners are requested to E-mail their suggestions of the
clearest frequencies available to rfpicr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - RFPI
is using 10 kW now on 6980, but may try 30 kW to see how it works
with the new super-quad antenna. Now that it has frequency
synthesizers, RFPI can move around more easily (James Latham, 
RFPI Mailbag July 3 via Hauser)

0400-0700 UT is 1400-1700 local time in Tasmania, a bit early in
the afternoon, even in winter, for RFPI to be putting much of a
signal there, it seems to us. The Spanish numbers station on 6983
AM has been heard here with a stronger signal than RFPI and
causing a considerable heterodyne around 0200-0245 (gh)

MONGOLIA. V. of Mongolia, 12085, was fairly readable July 3 in
English starting at 1210, thanks to a tip from Joe Hanlon. There
is less interference on the USB; somewhat fluttery here, but held
up until closing at 1238 when speakerine gave English schedule as
half an hour each at 1210 to Australia on 12085; 1430 South Asia
on 9720, 12085; 1830 Europe on 9720, 12085; address CPO Box 365,
Ulaanbaatar 13, Mongolia. Around 1220 had some hearty songs. She
pronounces "Mongolia" as if there were an umlaut on the middle O.

After the carrier went off at 1240, another much weaker broadcast
signal was uncovered, as well as the twice-a-minute pulses 
previously reported under USA [non]. I timed these chirps at 
exactly 120/minute, audible between 12085 and 12185, strongest
and clearest around 12125; next day, VOM weaker, no pulses (Glenn
Hauser, OK)

U S A. Kim announced on VOA Communications World that the "C"
segment at 2136 Saturdays would move to 1936. That should make
it much more audible in NAm, especially if it is on 15580 (Glenn

WORLD OF RADIO. Special on AWR Wavescan via Real Audio: You can 
hear this program on Real Audio. They don't tell you this, but
instead of having a true Real Audio server, they have a server 
which uses the same protocol as a web server (Hypertext Transfer 
Protocol or HTTP), so it follows that you should be able to 
download it with a web server.

To listen on line, download and run:


To download the full audio file:


The stuff with _28 is intended for 28.8 modems or faster. Since 
the program doesn't include significant ammounts of music and is 
intended for shortwave, one should probably conserve bandwidth 
(and money for those whose internet service and/or phone bill is 
metered and are downloading) and use the 14.4 version (Joel Rubin
via Hauser)

WOR via WGTG. The June 27th version of WOR and COM schedule I
distributed to DX editors contained an error - I said "9400" for
WGTG Sat at 2330, but that was wishful thinking. I have been 
urging Dave Frantz to stay on 9400 later in the summer afternoons, 
but we're still actually on 5085 which starts at 2300 (Hauser) ###

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