[HCDX]: SW logs
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[HCDX]: SW logs
MONGOLIA VoM 12085 1210-1240 EE. Found thanks to tip from Joe Hanlon passed
along by Glenn Hauser/HCDX. 7/7 Tues. heard Australian male with news of
the week, and a mailbag show. Mailbag mentioned Rich Hankison in Kansas,
who heard them in June. 7/9 Thurs. had a talk about (a visitor from?)
Deutsche Welle, with mention of an upcoming visit to Mongolia by Germany's
president. 7/11 Sat. weak with possible talk about religion. 7/13 Mon. was
all music with announcements. 7/14-15 host interviewed foreign visitors to
a Mongolian festival, then festival/parade music. Copy is very poor. Some
days reception is zilch. Some days there is an annoying het on the
frequency. Some days you hear a male who says "ummmmm" a lot. There is also
nasty UTE chirping QRM from 12088 khz every few minutes. USB is best, but
LSB avoids the chirp. (very poor Russell)
PHILIPPINES FEBC 11635 1010-1034+ 7/15 EE pgm with mentions of Jesus
Christ, talk about Philippines history, geography, Malay ancestry, and
common nick-names. Listen next week for more on Philippine culture. ID
"FEBC Radio International", news at 1028, followed by Focus on the Family.
(poor Russell)
SRI LANKA SLBC 11835 1053-1133* 7/14 End of EE news, ID "External service
of Radio Sri Lanka", music pgm of old 78 rpm records called 'Grandad's
Songs'. At 1125 there was a "Thought for the Day", then sign-off ann. +
music. (poor) (Russell)
VIETNAM VoV 12019 1240-1257* 7/11 talks about Vietnam, 2 IDs, traditional
music with talks. May have heard them later in the morning too. (poor
( "The Media .. has become a terrorist" - Roy Masters )
( )
( Heard on CKLW 800 11 p.m. Eastern )
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