Re: [HCDX]: (HCDX): Silent periods
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Re: [HCDX]: (HCDX): Silent periods

> You are  not the only one with such problems. I live less than 10km from
> KCWW 1580 in Tempe, Arizona.  The antenna is about 6km and their 50kW
> leaves all kinds of images in all of my sets until they change antenna
> direction at sunset.
> It is terrible during the day and if they shut down once a week I would
> be a very happy man.
> Ragnar Danneskjold
Would be interesting see KCWW.. This station is the best heard Nth American in 
South/East Australia. Its our marker and I've often wondered what makes the 
signal so good. Must have a terrific antenna system & location.

Your pain is our gain <grin>

This message originated from David Onley:
Mediumwave and Tropical Band Dxer from
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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