Re: [HCDX]: (HCDX): Silent periods
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Re: [HCDX]: (HCDX): Silent periods

At 23.27 13.7.1998 +0300, you wrote:
>> All AM transmitters need to be maintained and some are done so on a regular
>> basis when the transmitters are switched off. Among DXers called "SILENT
>> PERIODS" - providing excellent possibilies of some fine DXing.
>> Would anyone have a listing of those silent periods for European mediumwave
>> stations ??
>Great idea!  Actually the Swedish Arctic Radio Club published such lists
>in the 80´s but since then many things have changed.
>If someone is going to start this project I'll be among contributuros.

Me too, but I haven't noticed many silent periods since the 80's. I heard
somewhere that new transmitters wouldn't need much maintenance or
maintenance can be done with transmitter on the air. Or maybe they just
have secondary transmitters as Bob Foxworth suggested. Anyway, Norway 1314
kHz should be forced to go off the air at least one night a week!I have
noticed that Russian stations are sometimes off the air, regularly and
irregularly. Are there any members of the Arctic Radio Club on the list,
maybe they could tell if ARC has kept the famous silent period list alive?

73, Mauno
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