Re: [HCDX]: 7850 kHz
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Re: [HCDX]: 7850 kHz
Dear Michael,
How are you these days ? I hope this e-mail will find you in good health !
>being mainly active as an utility DXer, I'd appreciate if you non-ute
>experts could shed some light on my log of Radio Exterior de Espana on 7850
>kHz. They're audible e. g. around 0515 UTC on this frequency in AM mode
>both on my ICOM R71A and Sony ICF 7600G; parallel frequency e. g. 11920
>Is this a regular REE frequency and what's the tx location??
This is not an official REE frequency. The signal on 11920 kHz originates from
Noblejas, so if there was no time delay on 7850 kHz, that signal is coming from
a transmitter in Spain too. It could have been a mixing product inside the
transmitter or inside the receiver.
- Michiel Schaay (mschaay@xxxxxx) -
- Postbus 139, 3940 AC Doorn, The Netherlands -
- Telefax: +31 343 416244 -
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