[HCDX]: Re: Voice of Palestine
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[HCDX]: Re: Voice of Palestine

Ref. the logging of Voice of Palestine reported in CRW 008: 
[Original log and response to that log in HCDX some time ago]

I'm almost certain that the station heard on 1080 kHz was "Voice of 
Palestine, Voice of the Palestinian Revolution", a propaganda outlet from 
Iran that has nothing to do with Arafat or the PLO. Iran uses 1080 kHz for 
its external service in Arabic, so that would fit.

As far as I'm aware, the PLO closed all its various "Voice of Palestine" 
outlets around the Arab world (Algeria, Iraq, Yemen) when it set up its own 
VOP station in the West Bank in 1994. I know the outlet in Yemen continued 
for a while longer than the others, but I believe that even that one has 
closed now. 

The Voice of the Mountain station in Lebanon mentioned in the logging also 
closed down in 1994.

>From Chris Greenway, BBC Monitoring
Tel: +44-118-946-9388   Fax: +44-118-948-3036 

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