R: [HCDX]: [HCDX] UNID 1583.65 kHz
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R: [HCDX]: [HCDX] UNID 1583.65 kHz
>Hi Stig,
>>When trying to catch Radio Hami here in Denmark - with no succes - I heard
>>a very weak station on 1583.65 kHz late evening (21-22 UTC). Probably East
>>European. Very weak. Any idea what it was.
>Difficult to say on that graveyard-channel with dozens of stations. But
>noted the italian station R. San Luchino drifting around. So perhaps it was
>them? Usually San Luchino is better in the afternoon around fade-in.
Radio San Luchino is off the air from some months.
>From Italy there is only RADIO STUDIO X, 24h on 1583,7 kHz, near Florence.
The URL is http://www.angelfire.com/tx/studiox/
73's Stefano
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