Re: [HCDX]: DX-Introduction
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Re: [HCDX]: DX-Introduction

At 20:42 26/07/98 GMT, you wrote:
>                           Dear hard-core members,


Hi Ruud,

	Welcome to cyberspace, glad to see that you got an Internet 
connection. Welcome to lots of lovely websites, loads and loads of
e-mails to answer, and big big phone bills (at least for the first
few months!):-)

	Enjoy yourself, you'll find lots of good DX tips here
on Hard Core DX, it's one of the better mailing lists (check out webpages for even more of them!).

		73 for now, Alan.


	"We are rapidly entering the age of no privacy, where everyone
	 is open to surveillance at all times; where there are no secrets
	 from government". 
						William O. Douglas

  	Alan Gale. 	
  	North-West England. 53:39.3N 2:10.6W		
	SAR, Maritime & Beacon enthusiast.
	Insomniacs Anonymous Member.
	Dedicated Dxers never go to sleep.   	
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