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Until we find out where this station is broadcasting from, it is of
no use to try for a QSL. The AFRTS HQ (the organization overseeing
AFN broadcasts) does not recognize this as a legitimate broadcast.
I have a question for you regarding this station. There is
speculation that the station may be broadcasting from Central
America. Can you tell us if the 4 MHz channel is audible in the
daytime at your location?
Bill Harms
Elkridge, Maryland
> Hello all.
> I think many of us already have lenghty logs of this one, either on
> 4 or 12 MHz.
> Now, does AFN QSL or not? If yes, How, where,how much... etc?
> --
> ==============================================
> Elmer David Escoto Romero
> P.O. Box 2001
> San Pedro Sula, HONDURAS
> Tel. (504) 554-1144, 554-1171, 554-1173
> FAX: (504) 554-1154
> mailto:eescoto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> ==============================================
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
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