[HCDX]: Bolivia special
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[HCDX]: Bolivia special


good conditions towards Bolivia last night!

4777.8, Radio A.N.D.E.S.; Uyuni, August 25, 0000-0007, Spanish, nx, clear ID
by man at 0007 ("Radio Andes") followed by a short piece of instrumental
music and c/d.  22322

4939.2, Radio Norte, Montero, August 25, 0010-0025, Spanish, advertisement,
ID at 0015, official notices.  32322

6014.8, Radio El Mundo; Santa Cruz de la Sierra, August 24, 2325-2335,
Spanish, ID at 2330: "El Mundo informa ...", very weak signal. O=1-2

6025, Radio Illimani; La Paz, August 24, 2345-2400, Spanish, romantic songs,
ID at 2350: "Radio Illimani, emisora del estado, la Voz de Bolivia"; bad
modulation.  33423

6105.5, Radio Panamericana; La Paz, August 24, 2335-2345, Spanish,
discussion between man and woman; the station was audible in USB mode only
during word program of Radio Amman on 6105.  21421

6135, Radio Santa Cruz; Santa Cruz de la Sierra, August 24, 2245-2300,
Spanish, economic news, jingle, ID; dominating today over Radio Aparecida.

6155, Radio Fides; La Paz, August 24, 2315-2325, Spanish, slow instrumental
music, jingle with ID, discussion.  32322

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
Receiver: JRC NRD-525
Antenna: 25m longwire & DX-One Professional
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
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