[HCDX]: Fw: [FM TV DX WEBLIST] : 7 new Dutch stations on MW
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[HCDX]: Fw: [FM TV DX WEBLIST] : 7 new Dutch stations on MW

(Via *De Jong Dutchmedia*.)
According to press-release AM frequencies are available
as off now.
All stations are low-power.

R.Brand <ruud.brand@xxxxxx>
>Aan: FM TV DX WEBLIST Mailing List <Fmtvdx.List@xxxxxx>
>Datum: dinsdag 1 september 1998 22:38
>Onderwerp: [FM TV DX WEBLIST] - New frequencies sorted out
>>Some hot FM news:
>>Today all frequencies of the regional commercial stations were given
>>free. Stations are hoping to be operational end this year:
>>>  Transmitter site    MHz         kW   ant.hgt  Broadcaster
>>>  Alkmaar             104.7       0.1    50      System FM
>>>  Amsterdam            98.3         1    98      City FM
>>>  Arnhem               87.8         ?    47      Radio 8 FM
>>>  Arnhem               92.9         2    47      HOT Radio
>>>  Bennekom            101.9       0.5    46      Rebecca Radio
>>>  Drachten             99.7         1    46      Rebecca Radio
>>>  Eindhoven            95,5      0.25    55      Radio8 FM
>>>  Emmeloord            98.7       0.8    40      Rebecca
>>>  Emmen               103.8      0.63    42      Rebecca Radio
>>>  Gouda               102.0         1    98      SCOEZH
>>>  Groningen            92.9       0.1    56      Rebecca Radio
>>>  Groningen           104.4       0.1    48      Radio Oost Groningen
>>>  Haarlem              91.3       0.1    95      City FM
>>>  Haarlem             104.3       0.2    95      Happy Radio
>>>  Hardenberg           93.4       0.8    40      HOT Radio
>>>  Heerenveen           95.5       0.5    53      Rebecca Radio
>>>  Hengelo              98.0       0.5    99      HOT Radio
>>>  's-Hertogenbosch     97.4       0.5   110      Radio 8 FM
>>>  Leeuwarden           91.2       1.5    74      Rebecca Radio
>>>  Leeuwarden           96.6         1    74      Mediad B.V.
>>>  Leeuwarden          103.3         1    74      Happy Radio
>>>  Lelystad             89.3       0.8    55      Airpeace Radio
>>>  Meppel               95.7         1    72      Rebecca Radio
>>>  Nijmegen             92.1       0.2    54      Hoppa Radio
>>>  Ommen                99.9         1    55      Rebecca Radio
>>>  Rotterdam            87.6       0.5    98      Sun FM
>>>  Rotterdam           102.2         1    98      Radio Amor
>>>  Ruurlo              100.2         2    45      HOT Radio
>>>  Sneek                97.9       0.8    40      Rebecca Radio
>>>  Tilburg              93.1      0.25    80      Radio 8 FM
>>>  Winschoten           96.9       0.4    54      Rebecca Radio
>>>  Zoetermeer           99.4      0.05    60      SUN FM
>>>  Zwolle               90.1       0.8    70      Rebecca Radio
>>>  AM frequenties:
>>>  Echt                1035        2.20           Hoppa Radio
>>>  Utrecht             1332        2.20           Hoppa Radio
>>>  Den Haag            1485        1.25           Hindoestaanse Omr. Stg.
>>>  Tilburg             1485        1.25           Visie Marketing & Media
>>>  Amsterdam           1557        2.20           Max AM
>>>  Utrecht             1584        1.25           Gooiland Radio
>>>  Leeuwarden          1602        1.25           Quality Radio
>>Ruud Brand
>>This is an Email message from the FMTVDX WEBList (now with 100
>brought to you by the FM&TV DX WEB Page in Finland.  For more information
>about this list, check the FM&TV DX WEB Page at
>>http://www.sci.fi/~bkl .  Material from this list may be reproduced
>provided that full credit is given to original source and FMTVDX WEBList.
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