Sv: [HCDX]: New SW station from Central African Rep
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Sv: [HCDX]: New SW station from Central African Rep

11300 kHz isn't a typo. The frequency wasnt recommended by me though, but
someone from Canada. This company from Canada also believed that 11300 kHz
would be the best frequency for coverage of the entire Central African

My recommandation was to use a frequency around 7.3-7.5 MHz or 9.2-9.4 MHz
where propagation should be better for local coverage and where there are a
good number of clear channels. My only consideration was whether or not the
receivers used by the people in that area are capable of receiving such out
of band frequencies.

I have passed on your comments on the use of 11300 kHz for air traffic  to
the technical operater of the station ... and I'll let you know if he
decides to use another frequency.

Best 73's
Stig Hartvig Nielsen

> 11300/usb is an aero frequency, in use by air traffic control in Egypt,
> Sudan, Eritrea etc etc.
> You'd mentioned 'outside the band'. For a UN-station a rather strange
> to select such a registered frequency.
> Are you sure about 11300 kHz, or just a typo ?
> Kind regards,
> Robert Joosten.
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