[HCDX]: Last night tips
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[HCDX]: Last night tips

    On 8th september I heard following stations:

    4845 Radio K'ekchi,Guatemala Id 0020 SIO 322.

    6024.95 Radio Fides,Bolivia 0030 SIO 222.

    6115.05 Radio Union,Peru 0230 Id as "Union la Radio"
    competition with La Voz del Llano below 211.

    6115.10 La Voz del Llano,Colombia 0240 with Caracol
    Id and better modulation as Union SIO 222.

    7415 WBCQ,still test transmissions with very strong
    signals at 0015 here in Utrecht,SIO 444.

    Some Aero loggings:

    8918 Panama Radio at 0112 and SIO 333.

    8918 Merida Radio,Mexico at 0130 and SIO 333.

    73!   Ruud "shack" Vos
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