[HCDX]: Loggings from Scandinavia
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[HCDX]: Loggings from Scandinavia

Good conds recent days.  Here are some loggings:


1360,6 7.9.	2057	DZYR San Fernando w s-on. JM


1638	7.9.	2000	2ME Castle Hill, NSW.  Surprisingly heard in
			Kangasala!  Nx in Arabic 2000 & commercials & the
			same jingle I heard already in 1997.  Has not QSLed 			to
			me. JM


640	17.9.	0405	CBN St. John's, NF. //750, YVQO-QRM.  JM
1190	18.9.	0145	WOWO Ft. Wayne, IN.  Still heard here.  JM
1480	18.9.	0150	WGVU Kentwood, MI. NPR & "All Things Considered".
1570	18.9.	0200	CKMW Winkler MB.  JM


660	17.9.	0356* 	R St. Lucia, Castries.  Strong w s-
			off. "Every day is a new day on Radio St.Lucia,
			the Sun Station!"  JM
1140	14.9.	0350	WQII San Juan, PR.  "Once Q"  JM
1610	12.9.	0300	Caribbean Beacon.  JM


640	17.9.	0420	YVQO Ondas Portenas.  Relay Union R 1090: 
			"Noticias en Union Radio...la melhor informacion!"
1620	12.9.	0440	LR-- R Esmeralda, Buenos Aires.  JM


Jorma Mantyla
Kangasala, Finland

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