Re: [HCDX]: Free 846 Khz from Rai - Italy.
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Re: [HCDX]: Free 846 Khz from Rai - Italy.
At 00:51 23-09-98 +0200, you wrote:
>Hello to all,
>the Rai Trasmitter of Santa Palomba (Roma - Italy) will be switched off
>from 22:30 utc
>to 6:00 utc in this days for work on the main antenna sistem. The 846 khz
>will be free at night until 24/9/98 to setup the antennas for a new 1200 Kw
>Wishes, Andrea Borgnino - ITALY
I listened on 846 khz around 2300 and 0100 UTC: I heard a station with
continious music: moderate signal, but also moderate QSB. Did anybody ID-ed
this station?
Max van Arnhem
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