[HCDX]: Free 846 Khz from Rai - Italy.
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[HCDX]: Free 846 Khz from Rai - Italy.

Hello to all,

the Rai Trasmitter of Santa Palomba (Roma - Italy) will be switched off
from 22:30 utc 
to 6:00 utc in this days for work on the main antenna sistem. The 846 khz
will be free at night until 24/9/98 to setup the antennas for a new 1200 Kw 

Wishes, Andrea Borgnino - ITALY

  And_Bov -  a.borgnino@xxxxxxxxxxxx  -  Ham call IW1CXZ since 1991

Monitoring shortwave from Rome - Italy with a Yaesu FRG 8800 - 20 Mt. Lw

Web : http://www.alpcom.it/hamradio/freewaves (Italian Pirate radio site)
       http://www.agora.stm.it/A.Borgnino (Staglieno & Joy Division site)

This is a message from Andrea Borgnino IW1CXZ <a.borgnino@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
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