Re: [HCDX]: Loggings
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Re: [HCDX]: Loggings

The synthesizer at Sao Tome has been checked and found to be right on 4960
kHz.  We'll keep an eye on it, but the het would appear to be from someone
else off frequency.

Dan Ferguson
IBB Frequency Division

At 00:37 10/2/98 EDT, you wrote:
>hello friends,
>Some Broadcast Observations from
>Klaus Elsebusch, Im Isselgrund 17, D-46499 Marienthal/Germany
>DL 3 EAY & DE 2 JLS,    DSWCI-No. 3385
>Coordinates: Lat. 51.73 N; Long. 06.74 E
>eMail: dl3eay@xxxxxxx
>Receiver: LOWE HF 150 and GRUNDIG Satellit 700
>Antennas: 20 m and 15 m LW, indoor
>                 Loop Antennas AMA 3 D and 11, outdoor
>Accessoires: ADDX-AT 2 and FRT 7700
>9934.5; ERT Thessaloniki; Greek; Sep 30; 0528 YL phone-in programme,
>0530 mx and ID "Radiophonikos Stathmos Makedonias ...", "Saloniki" and
>"Ellas" mentioned; 0531 phone-in programme continuing (greeting "Kalimera")
>0532 replay some male spoken recordings; 0534 mx; 55433; Elsebusch
>4961; VoA Pinheira; Haussa; Oct 01; 0500 ST and ID in English: "... Voice
>of America", followed by news spoken in Haussa, 0502 "Salam Aleikum",
>(terrible het on 4960 kHz), 0504 news from Nigeria; 42332; Elsebusch

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