[HCDX]: New SW station in Bangui delayed
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[HCDX]: New SW station in Bangui delayed

Heres a short update on the current situation with RADIO MINURCA.

The station has become a great succes among the listeners in Bangui where
the UN station is audible on FM. According to a newsletter from the Danish
Foreign Ministry - Radio Minurca is now no. 1 in the area ...

As for the short wave service - there's not really much news to report,
except for the fact that they have now decided on what frequency they will
use. That will be 9900 kHz. (And yes - I have told them that this is an
awfull frequency). Testing may take place on 10400 kHz for a couple of days
before they go on the air officially.

Anyway they are still not on the air. A spokesman from the Danish Foreign
Ministry told me today that they have severe problems getting the generator
to work.

On September 16th I told here on HCDX that the Danish technical operator of
the station would go back to Denmark as he had become ill. That was per
some information from his wife - but Jonathan Marks reported a few days
later in Radio Netherlands Media Network that that wasnt true. And it
turned out to be Mr. Marks who was right - and not his wife. For the record
I understand that the operator became ill from the malaria pills he were
taking, but apparently found another brand of pills - and so he was all
right again.

But the fact is that the technical operator is NOW back in Denmark. I dont
know if or when he will go back to Bangui. 

The election in the Central African Republic is due late November - so time
is running.  

Stig Hartvig Nielsen

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