Sv: [HCDX]: Special broadcasts to celebrate 40 years of offshore radio
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Sv: [HCDX]: Special broadcasts to celebrate 40 years of offshore radio

I understand that they will be using some 300 W on long wave 279 kHz. Now
longwave broadcasting is usually high power only (at least 100 kW or
normally 500-2000 kW) - so should be very interesting to see how 300 W on
279 kHz will propagate - daytime as well as nighttime. 

Does anyone have any clues to - or any experience with - the coverage of
such a low power long wave transmitter??

So lets hope this apparently German group will make it - even though I
could imagine that there may arise some concern from the country of which
flag they will be flying.

Stig Hartvig Nielsen

> - Special broadcasts to celebrate 40 years of offshore radio -
> A group describing itself as "an international group of friends of
> offshore radio" is planing a special broadcast later this month.
> Newstide is not sure exactly who these people are, but we assume
> that their proposed transmission is legally authorised by a European
> country, probably on a special event basis.
> We reproduce their statement below:
> "During the summer of 1958, the first commercial radio station on board
> a ship started broadcasting off the European coasts: RADIO MERCUR.
> This station reached ten thousands of listeners in Copenhagen and
> Malm . By using the freedom of the international waters, the monopoly of
> the state operated broadcasters was shattered. Finally, RADIO
> MERCUR had to stop the operation. Sooner or later, the same happened
> with all the other watery wireless stations that followed the idea of
> operating from the high seas. In the years to come, there were different
> reasons for their failure.
> But in some countries offshore radio led to changes in media politics:
> Commercial radio was introduced on shore. But strange things happened
> as these new local and nationwide stations did not want to share their
> audience with the offshore based competitors...
> An international group of friends of offshore radio will reminisce this
> important part of the European media history.
> There will be special non-commercial broadcasts from a ship in the North
> Sea.
>     OFFSHORE 98 is scheduled for October 17th and 18th.
>     Depending on conditions, this real offshore radio event will be
> audible on
>     longwave 279 kHz    mediumwave 1566 kHz    shortwave 6210 kHz"
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