[HCDX]: Passport to World Band Radio is NOT dead and gone!
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[HCDX]: Passport to World Band Radio is NOT dead and gone!

On Wed, 7 Oct 1998, Stig Hartvig Nielsen wrote:

> As usual I would have liked to buy a copy of the new edition of Passport To
> World Band Radio, which I think is a very good book and a good supplement
> to WRTH. Over the past few years I have had many problems ordering the book
> from the US. 
> But now it seems the book is no longer being published ??
> I tried the web-site of Passport to World Band Radio/International
> Broadcasting Servicees Ltd. a couple of days ago - and today I checked
> their orderline - and in both cases all they announce is the one year old
> 1998 edition. Sic!
> Anyway I forwarded an order by fax on September 29th to Passport to World
> Band Radio asking for a confirmation of my order by fax or by e-mail. As of
> today still no reply.
> Today I then tried to call the office in the US - and all I got was an
> answering machine.
> So does anyone know if they have stopped publishing this excellent handbook
> ?????
> Stig Hartvig Nielsen
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Passport to World Band Radio IS being published, and IS still in business.
The new 1999 edition is scheduled to be sent to the printer's this week,
as Larry Magne told me last month.  They have chosen a later publication
date this year so as to get more of the winter schedules; they have NOT
stopped publishing.  The new book should be out in a few weeks' time.
Also, the new edition of Passport to Web Radio should be out soon; Skip
Arey just did a review of the new book in the NASWA Journal.

Marie Lamb
Editorial Contributor
Passport to World Band Radio
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