[HCDX]: Hauser's SW/DX Report 98-44
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[HCDX]: Hauser's SW/DX Report 98-44

        GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-44, October 8, 1998

[items from this and all our other reports may be reproduced and re-
reproduced ONLY providing full credit be maintained at all stages]

of WOR and VOA Communications World on the UT Monday repeat on
3210 so that WOR plays first at 0500, not 0530. Topic summary of
WOR 960: http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofadio/Wor960.html

CONTINENT OF MEDIA. The new October edition should start on RFPI
Oct 16, Fri 1930, Sat 1730, repeated 8 and 15 hours later. Topic
summary: http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Com9808.html
Also shortly available at http://www.DXing.com/ContinentOfMedia.html

ALBANIA. R. Tirana, 0130-0157* Sept 26 English news, Review of
Albanian Press on 6228.61 //7160.03. On Oct 3 heard on 6220.11
and 7159.9. [Yes, 8.50 kHz apart, not typos] (Brian Alexander,

GREECE. On Sep. 25 John Babbis reported, ERA Thessaloniki had 
moved from 7430 to 7390. However, today I found them (again) on 
7430, noted at 1630 with football coverage // 9935 and 11595. 
(Kai Ludwig, Germany, Oct 3 via Hauser)

IRAN. From a complete VOIRI monitored schedule Sept 30-Oct 1,
English has been heard:

0030-0130 6055 9022 9685
1100-1230 9585 11830 11875 13605 15260v
1530-1630 11775 13605 15130
1930-2030 7160 7260 9022
2130-2230 6165 6175 (Mikhail Timofeyev, Russia, via Hauser)

MEXICO. As a result of the advice of the Encuentro DX group,
R. Mil, 6010, has started sending out its first QSL cards, and 
continues plans to separate SW programming from MW. XEQM, 6105,
which simulcasts Candela FM, has started replying to all reports
with a QSL card and plans to increase power (Hector Garcia

NEW ZEALAND. I heard a fascinating program on RNZI Sun Oct 4 0705-
0900, remembering life in New Zealand as it was in years gone by.  
On this particular program, listeners reminisced about "pie carts" 
in New Zealand from the 1930's up until the '70s.  From what I 
could gather, a pie cart is a "restaurant-on-wheels".  The pie 
cart owner would tow it to a prime location in the city for lunch 
and dinner.  Customers would walk inside for a sit-down meal, 
including meat pies, I assume.  Pie carts of today will be a 
topic on next week's program (Oct. 11). [9700] (Ivan Grishin,

NEW ZEALAND. I'd like to echo Ivan Grishin's appreciation of the 
RNZI program on "Pie Carts". I happened to tune to RNZI that late-
night timeslot by chance and came upon the program part-way in. 
Fascinating! It's this kind of "local color" that is one of the 
factors that makes SW listening so rewarding... (Will Martin, MO)

NORWAY. Thanks to a 3-way call arranged by Joe Hanlon, we had
a chance to speak with Olav Mo Grimdalen, the frequency manager
for NRK on Oct 4. First of all, he asked us to publicize his need
for more technical monitors along the west coast, such as Seattle,
San Francsico, San Diego, and also in Southeast Asia, who can
communicate with him by E-mail for quick feedback on frequency
monitoring - Olav.Grimdalen@xxxxxx  He confirmed that the Sveio 
site did have both antenna and transmitter problems last Sunday 
during some of the final English broadcasts, but it is back on 
now. He feels as we do that it is a terrible mistake to terminate 
English, which costs only about 500 kilocrowns a year, some 62 
kilodollars. Nothing definite has been arranged yet, but there is 
talk of producing an English program at P4, a national domestic 
network, instead of NRK, and then presumably broadcasting it on 
the same SW facilities. There will not be any changes in the 
timeshare arrangement whereby Radio Denmark uses the second half 
of each hour via Norway. He plans to use more 21 MHz frequencies 
next summer, and even 25 MHz (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 960)

RUSSIA. About the only time I have been able to hear Voice of 
Russia in English since the start of Sept. is on 7350 just before 
their 2100 sign-off.  Their listed freq at 0100-0300 7105 is not 
audible. 73, (Ivan Grishin, Oshawa, Ont., Oct 5, WORLD OF RADIO

RUSSIA. Letters from VOR replying to listeners are not being
mailed because the station, at least for the past two months, 
cannot afford the postal costs. It seems the letters are 
accumulating until the day they can be dispatched, as announcer
Pancho Rodriguez explained as best he could on the [Spanish]
program Frecuencia RM. Now more than ever the station needs
letters of support from its listeners (Jorge Aloy, Argentina,
Sept 29, Mundo Radial)

SERBIA. I heard announcements during the 0000 broadcast Sept 30 
from Radio Yugoslavia that as of Oct. 5, they will be re-timing 
their 0430 broadcast to 0100-0130 daily on their usual summer 
freqs of 9580 & 11870 (Ivan Grishin, Oshawa, REVIEW OF 

U S A. American Dissident Voices could have got WBCQ into legal 
trouble, since Canada is an official target of the station, and 
it violates Canada's hate-speech laws (Al Weiner Worldwide, Oct
3 on WBCQ via Hauser)

Dan Lewis spoke to Allan Weiner last evening, and Allan provided 
complete details of the current schedule for WBCQ.  I've posted 
them on the web site at http://theplanet.wbcq.net

Of note is that the station is now on from 2200 through 0700 UTC 
each evening on 7,415 kHz.  Scriptures for America will continue, 
despite Randi's ravings about it.  And Allan's own "Worldwide" 
show is not on the current schedule.  Listeners who want to hear 
him should probably listen to the Radio Newyork International 
program and wait for him to call in. 

The proposed daytime broadcasts on 7,415 will not come to pass at 
this time.

Big Steve Cole of Radio Newyork International will be bringing 
back his "Oldies" show which predated the Internet/DX program 
that he did on RNI. And there are other new programs listed as 
well. Check the website for further info.
Regards, (Tina, WBCQ webmistress, Oct 6, WORLD OF RADIO 960)

U S A. Radio Nouveaute (means novelty), a Haitian Creole station 
on 1640 kHz transmitting from Boston, first heard in April. 
Recently increased signal so I could get a good tape of it from 
here in Medford, about 10 miles north. It comes in with over an 
S9 signal during the day, but usually gets swamped out at night 
with other noise. I'm using an R8 with 100 foot random wire 
antenna. SINPO 45554 at 2050 UT Friday Oct 2, songs and IDs (Paul
McDonough, Medford MA) Paul's tape of this is on WOR 960 (Hauser)

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