[HCDX]: Good DX morning!
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[HCDX]: Good DX morning!

Hello friends,
some logs from Madrid, Spain.

11-Oct. 98

05.57  1470    XEAI, "Radio A-I" id's, adv., and complete ID at 06.01: "XEAI
                       14-70, 20.000 watts de potencia, La catedral de la
                       música tropical, Privada
                       de Horacio número 10..."
06.00  1470    WCFJ,  Chicago Heights, IL, 1 Kw!!!, in the mix of XEAI and
                       "WLAM" a man could be heard talking about The Lord
                       and mentioning "WCFJ".
06.11  1460    WGNA,  Albany, NY. ID's as "WGNA-FM", promo adv.
06.15  1500    XESM, prog. "Espectáculo de espectáculos". ID: "1500, Segunda
                       Cadena Nacional de la Organización Radiofórmula".
06.25  1590    XEVOZ, música romántica, ID: "Bonita AM".
15.06  25870  KPM360 "WFLA" FM narrow mode. some good peaks.
22.53  1500    YVRZ, Radio 2000, Cumaná. adv. and music. Signal strong at
                        this early time but...
22.56  1400    UNID, in EE mentions of Florida in adv. ; "a very promising
                        nite!" I told myself, but...
23.00  1510    Boston, 1560 NY, and many other coming quite well, but...

all vanished off in few minutes!!, nothing but usual splatter remained.


Mauricio Molano
Salamanca / Madrid

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